Interview with Ilias Mavromatidis

CIE helps me to better understand what happens in the field of education worldwide

1) What is your current position?
My current position is coordinator of refugees education in the refugee camp of Filippiada in Greece.

2) What do you do in your present job?
I am the representative of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs of Greece in the refugees’ camp. The main task of the job is to introduce refugees’ children in local primary and secondary schools. There are 80 children who are hosted by 5 different schools. I am also responsible for the safe transportation of the children from the camp to the school and vice versa. Moreover I have to secure that all the informal educational activities which are provided by NGOs and International Organizations have the proper quality. Every day there are many issues that have to be handled: Xenophobia in the local society, conflicts between refugees from different countries, teachers that deny teaching to refugees, parents that are afraid to send their children to school. But in the end of the day there is always a child that gives you a hug...

3) What was the subject of your thesis?
The subject of my thesis was about teachers’ attitudes towards school self-evaluation.

4) In what terms has your CIE master helped you in getting where you are today?
The CIE master opened my eyes about several aspects of education. Our professors and some external professors gave us their experience in the field of Education in Emergencies. I was completely uninformed about this field before attending this master.

5) Are there any specific topics/methods taught to you during the programme which is more relevant to you in your current position?
The professors of CIE master program, the several visiting professors and some previous students offer their valuable experience regarding the Education in Emergencies. Now I try to find all these notes in my notebook because I need them not to pass an exam but to use them for work in real situations.

6) Why did you choose the CIE programme?
I heard my inner voice. Sometimes in my life I let myself hear my inner voice. Education is about what you want, not what the market requires from you.

7) Where do you see yourself career wise in the future?
I see that the money spent by Governmental Organizations, NGOs and International Organizations are not very well targeted. I want to establish a company that would offer evaluation of these educational activities that are provided by these organizations.

8) Any additional comments you may have for future applicants to the CIE programme are welcome
The CIE master gave me the opportunity to visit International Organizations and make important contacts. It helps me to better understand what happens in the field of education worldwide. The diverse background of professors and students is the main advantage of this master.

Published Dec. 14, 2016 5:29 PM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2016 12:02 PM