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Why choose this programme option?

Advanced tools for imaging, image analysis, and biomedical computing are increasingly important across many areas of modern society. Over the last few decades these tools have revolutionized advanced healthcare, have been extremely important in large industries such as the maritime and the petroleum sectors, and form key parts of emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles. All these results are rooted in fundamental knowledge of computer science and computational mathematics.

Image may contain: Light, Organ, Organism, Font, Electric blue.

A Master's degree in Imaging and Biomedical Computing will give you a solid background and deep insight into the technology that underlies modern imaging, image analysis and simulation tools. You will get an excellent foundation in mathematics and computing, with both being applicable across many branches of science and engineering.

Two tightly connected branches

The programme option will have two separate but tightly connected branches. 

One is primarily focused on image analysis, image formation, and signal processing. Norwegian industry within seismic, maritime, remote sensing, and medical applications rely on high-level research and competence to fulfill its needs and demands. Ranging from images of seismic sections to cell nuclei, a need to automatically extract the desired information is of utmost importance. Image formation, machine learning and deep learning are central mathematical and computational tools used in this study branch.

The other branch of the study direction is focused on computational modeling of physical processes, with a particular focus on biomedical applications.

Computational models are increasingly important in medical research, and are also making their way into clinical use. Advanced mathematics and computational tools are used to build computer simulations of organs and organ systems, which describe the physiology and function of the body in health and disease, and may be used for diagnosis and as virtual test beds for optimizing treatment.

Career opportunities

The main focus of the study direction is solving real world problems within imaging and biomedical computing applications. The underlying tools of numerical analysis and computational mathematics are generally applicable, and the candidates are well prepared for tasks in many areas of science and engineering.

Published Dec. 22, 2016 1:11 PM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2023 1:19 PM