
You can access relevant applications for your Master's program in Geosciences here.

All first-semester MSc students are required to submit an application for approval of their study plan, along with a project description.

Please note that all applications must be completed and submitted by the MSc student directly, rather than the supervisor.

Student administration

Please submit the contract to the student adviser for the master programme (room 111).


See also:

The following application forms are located here:

Application for approval of the Master's agreement

The approval process for the Master's agreement necessitates the participation of the master's student, their departmental contact, supervisor(s), and the programme board. This agreement delineates the respective rights and obligations of all parties involved in the student's master's studies.

The project description, presented as a PDF, offers a succinct outline of the proposed master thesis. It encompasses an introduction, materials, and methods. Furthermore, the inclusion of the following details is mandatory:

  • Provisional title of the MSc thesis
  • Objectives and hypotheses for the thesis
  • Expected learning outcomes
  • A progression plan that details the time allocation for each phase of the project, such as literature review, data collection, analysis, and culmination.
    • Furnishing comprehensive information at this juncture is invaluable for both the student and the supervisor to evaluate the project's feasibility within the allotted timeframe and to set appropriate deadlines for draft submissions and advisory meetings. Project descriptions that are incomplete or ill-organised frequently occasion delays in project commencement and can obstruct the process of securing an apt supervisor.

The stipulated deadline for submitting the agreement and project description for the first semester is 1st December. Failure to comply with this deadline may lead to a rescission of admission.

In addition, a Data Management Plan (DMP) must be submitted. Further details can be found in the subsequent section below.

Submit Master's agreement

Data Management Plan (DMP) for Master Thesis

All students seeking approval of the Master's contract must submit a Data Management Plan (DMP) for their master's programme. This document ought to be finalised no later than the conclusion of the second semester subsequent to your enrolment.

The rationale behind this requirement is to foster an increased consciousness regarding the handling of data throughout and subsequent to your Master's thesis project. Prior to the submission of the form, you are expected to discuss the questions provided in the questionnaire with your supervisor. This finalised scheme must be appended to your Master's thesis contract. The form is designed for ongoing edits and is intended to function as a dynamic document. Although the scheme predominantly revolves around digital data, it is convertible to accommodate physical data as well.

Submit data management plan

Changing the master's contract

If you need to amend the study plan agreement that has already received approval, please utilise the button indicated under "Application for approval of the Master's agreement" and submit the "Form for sending in changes to your study plan agreement".

Special syllabus

The special syllabus, together with your Master's contract, must be submitted by no later than the 1st of December. Should the special syllabus not have been included within your originally approved application for the Master's studies contract, you are required to submit a request for an alteration of your study plan concurrently with your application for the special syllabus.

Please note that the special syllabus must be an integral part of the approved master's contract and cannot be taken as an single course.

For detailed information on the content and requirements of the special syllabus, please refer to the local regulations issued by the Programme Board at the Department of Geosciences.

The special syllabus will undergo assessment by both an internal and external evaluation committee. It is important to ensure that the external assessor has no current or past affiliation with any of the supervisors involved, either within the last two years or present. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to the Student Administration.

Application form:

Recognition of external education (for use in MSc programme)

If you are admitted to the master's programme and have completed master’s level courses at academic institutions outside the University of Oslo, you may apply to have these courses recognised as part of your degree. Submit the application form and all relevant documentation.

This form applies only to MSc students at the Department of Geosciences. 

Bachelor’s students should refer to the recognition pages for the bachelor programmes.

Tags: studyplan, master study agreement, change of study plan, special syllabus, external education, master, recognition, department of geosciences, data management plan, DMP
Published Aug. 10, 2012 9:35 AM - Last modified July 4, 2024 1:21 PM