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Why choose this programme option?

Would you like to learn about the geophysical processes that govern the state of the atmosphere, the cryosphere, the hydrosphere and the oceans? Are you intrigued by our climate systems and the impact of man-made changes? 

About the programme option

The programme option covers the scientific disciplines of meteorology, oceanography, hydrology and glaciology. These disciplines describe key components of the climate system, and integrated knowledge of the components and their interactions is crucial for understanding the development of our climate. 

You will be using different types of data such as observations, model data, or satellite data. You may also perform fieldwork or conduct lab experiments. Data science, including numerical analysis and modeling, machine learning and visualisation, are also major tools in this program.


Meteorology is the science of atmospheric processes and how they interact with the ocean and the land surface to govern weather and climate. Accurate weather forecasts are crucial for human societies, and mitigation and adaptation to climate change require in-depth knowledge of atmospheric processes. 

At the University of Oslo, we use observations and numerical models to understand processes in the climate system. Activities include the modeling of atmospheric chemistry in relation to climate change and air pollution, cloud physics and relations between aerosols and clouds, turbulent mixing and boundary-layer processes, and numerical weather forecasting at mid and high latitudes. 


Oceanography is the study of the physical and dynamic processes governing the oceans. At the University of Oslo we use observations, models and theory to understand the ocean circulation, both globally and in our own waters, at high latitudes. We do numerical modelling of the ocean circulation and oceanic transport processes (heat, freshwater, plastics, oil spills, nutrients and plankton, etc.), develop analytical models of specific dynamical processes (from large-scale currents to small-scale turbulent mixing), and study atmosphere-ocean exchange processes. 

Close collaboration with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute provides access to state-of-the-art forecast models for ocean circulation, sea ice, and surface waves. Field data and satellite observations are used to support the theoretical and numerical models. 


Hydrology is the study of freshwater in all its forms as it moves through the hydrological cycle – from it hits the land surface as precipitation until it drains back into the sea – a journey that can take hours or years. On its way, it may be evaporated or temporarily stored as snow and ice, soil- and groundwater, or in lakes and wetlands.

At the University of Oslo, we try to understand the physical processes governing the transport of water in the hydrological cycle and its interactions with the wider environment.

This is not limited to our high latitude region but includes studies from hydro-climatological regimes around the world on spatial scales ranging from the plot scale to the continental scale. A particular focus is the impacts of climate change and human interventions on water resources, the hydrological cycle, and its extremes (flood and drought).

Both advanced statistical methods (including machine learning) and physically based modelling are key tools in our analysis of observed time series, field, and remote-sensed data. Hydrological knowledge has a high socio-economic relevance, and we work closely with other disciplines as well as with external governmental and industry partners.


Glaciology and cryospheric studies comprise seasonal snow, sea ice, glaciers, ice sheets, permafrost and seasonally frozen ground. We focus on the terrestrial cryosphere and use field measurements to improve process understanding and numerical models to assess the consequences of climate change.  

Ice in all its forms plays a prominent role in climate and environmental change, with important impacts on the atmosphere–land coupling, stream discharge and global sea level. The degradation of permafrost has significance for ground stability and storage of climate-relevant carbon stocks. Key topics are permafrost in the mountains of Norway and abroad, rapid thaw processes caused by ice-rich ground, as well as the carbon cycle in permafrost environments. 

The growth and decay of glaciers have important implications far beyond the ice-covered regions by influencing streamflow, fjord ecology as well as global sea level. Key research areas are glacier mass balance on all scales, glacier dynamics and their links to adjacent disciplines (ecology, hydrology, oceanography).

Career prospects

After completing their studies, students typically work as researchers, data scientists or forecasters, within weather services, renewable energy, water resources, climate change adaptation, geohazards and safety.


Published June 15, 2021 1:06 PM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2023 1:43 PM