Letter from the Dean

Dear students and colleagues,

We are happy to welcome you back to the university, and hope that you have experienced a good start of the term.

Unfortunately, our activities will still be influenced by pandemic measures, even though there has been some relief lately.

The government has decided to open for exceptions to the 1-meter distance requirement in teaching. After consulting the Faculty's infection control committee, the Faculty of Medicine has decided that lectures / seminars / clinical teaching where the whole class or a large part of the class is present, and where the 1-meter distance cannot be maintained, are to be held digitally until 20th of September.

This is justified by the fact that we cannot expect that a sufficiently large number of students will be fully vaccinated before mid-September. A major outbreak of infection would have serious consequences for compulsory education and thereby effect the study progression. Although it is now possible to test yourself out of quarantine, several days can still be lost due to infection.

The guidelines for teaching until 20th of September will be as follows:

  • Lectures / seminars / clinical teaching where the whole class or a large part of the class is present and where the 1-meter distance cannot be maintained, are to be held digitally until 20th of September.
  • Group teaching in all our study programmes could be carried out with physical presence. Digital teaching can continue when considered suitable. Facemasks are recommended where the 1-meter rule cannot be maintained. In OUS and Ahus, the hospital regulations will apply.
  • Clinical teaching / courses / skills training should be carried out with physical presence. Facemasks are recommended where the 1-meter rule cannot be maintained. In OUS and Ahus, the hospital regulations will apply.
  • In mid-September, a new assessment will be made as to whether it is possible to switch back to ordinary education at campus after 20th of September.

Kind regards,

Ivar P. Gladhaug, Dean

Published Aug. 20, 2021 2:35 PM - Last modified Aug. 20, 2021 2:35 PM