Orientation meeting for all new master students - Master's programme in Human Geography

For those of you unable to join us, we will have a Zoom-welcome meeting the same day at 15:00 (3 PM), since we will not able to stream the meeting as planned. Contact the student advisor if you have any questions. 

After the orientation meeting some of the second year students attending the masters programme will take you on a tour of Blindern campus, followed by a social event in Stensparken. Sandwiches and beverage will be provided. So, keep the afternoon clear!

Remember to sign up for this event within August 13 at noon, please contact the student advisor if you have not received the registration form. 

Etter velkomstm?te vil andre?rsstudenter ved masterprogrammet ved samfunnsgeografi ta dere med p? omvisning p? Blindern, etterfulgt sosialt samv?r i Frognerparken. Vi tar med mineralvann og litt mat. S? hold av ettermiddagen!

Husk p?meldingsfristen 13. august klokken 12. Ta kontakt med studiekonsulenten om du ikke har mottatt p?meldingsskjema. 


Published June 22, 2020 11:41 AM - Last modified Aug. 14, 2020 12:31 PM