Start of studies at master in International Community Health

Welcome to the start of studies 12-16. August 2024! The pages will be updated in the latter half of June. Get an overview of what you must do before starting your studies, and what UiO can offer you as a student.


11:30 AM, Auditorium 3 in Harald Schjelderups Hus

In this compulsory first meeting you will get to meet your student coordinators and Buddies, and you will get practical information on the study start and the upcoming semester.  We are looking forward to meeting you all!

10:00 AM, Forsamlingssalen in Harald Schjelderups Hus

The Dean of Studies and programme leaders welcome you as a student at the Faculty of Medicine and Institute of Health and Society. You will also meet former students who talk about their careers and experiences as students. 

9:15 AM, Seminar room 123, Frederik Hosts Hus

In this week you will be introduced to the academic content of the programme. You will meet your lecturers, be introduced to the thesis project, and you will get familiar with the library.  

Seminar room 123, Frederik Hosts Hus

In this week you will be introduced to the academic content of the programme. You will meet your lecturers, be introduced to the thesis project, and you will get familiar with the library.  

Events at UiO for all UiO Students

The University of Oslo greets all new students with a traditional ceremony at the University Square

, Frederikkeplassen

Join in for a concert in the middle of the university campus!

, Zoom-meeting

At the digital Orientation Meeting we will provide you with important information about studying at UiO, student life at UiO and in Oslo, and how to register with the Police. 

, Frederikketeltet

The University of Oslo would like to welcome all new international students with a fun introduction to student life in Norway. 

Contact us

Do you have general questions on the study programme International Community Health? 

Find us

Students are located in Frederik Holsts Hus.