Why choose this programme?

The world around us is constantly changing through innovation. Innovation is seen as vital in tackling major challenges such as climate change, but it may also create controversies and new problems. The Innovation certificate enables you to understand innovation, how it happens and how it impacts society.

The content of the certificate

New forms of communication, medical care and industrial production have transformed our communities, economies and the environment. So, what is innovation? How does it happen in practice and how does it change society? How can it be planned and governed?

The Innovation certificate will enable you to understand innovation, how it happens and how it impacts society. You will be introduced to different theories behind innovation and learn how innovation can be studied from a variety of angles: For instance, how innovations happen in various sectors, in public organizations or in companies. Through these perspectives you will understand why innovation often takes time, which relates to its systemic nature and how it may comprise conflicts of interest between different actors and between existing and new solutions.

Relevant in many industries

Whether you aim to become an entrepreneur, a bureaucrat, a teacher, or work in private, civic or public sector, you will learn how your education can contribute to innovation processes. It will inspire you to foster innovation, but also to work critically with processes and ideas of innovation and their consequences.

You will gain practical experience from working in interdisciplinary groups and apply your own disciplinary knowledge to address real-world problems.You will have the opportunity to collaborate with students from diverse academic backgrounds, fostering rich and insightful discussions that broaden your horizons. This interdisciplinary approach equips you with a well-rounded skill set that is highly valued in today's interconnected world.

Read more about Career opportunities.

You will receive your own certificate

Completing the Innovation certificate will result in a certificate in the Diploma Registry that documents your knowledge and skills on the topic of innovation.


Published May 15, 2024 2:45 PM - Last modified June 3, 2024 12:17 PM