Elections: Dean and Faculty Board 2014

This autumn a new Dean and a new Faculty Board will be elected at the Faculty of Humanities (HF). Elections are forthcoming, get all your information here.

Electing a new Dean

Staff and students will elect the new Dean between 3. and 7. November.

Registered students with voting rights at HF can nominate candidates. The deadline is 10. October.

Nominees will be announced on 13. October.

Electing a new Faculty Board

Three student representatives are elected to the Faculty Board between 17. and 23. November. Three here-up representatives are also elected.

The deadline is 3. November

Read more about how you can take part in electing the new Faculty leadership: http://www.hf.uio.no/livet-rundt-studiene/studentdemokrati/board-elections.html

Published Oct. 9, 2014 9:15 AM