Learning outcomes

Upon completing the MA in Multilingualism, students will achieve in-depth knowledge of multilingualism and will acquire skills and general competence that are valuable for a future career in research and/or other professional domains.


A graduate of this program:

  • has advanced knowledge of multilingualism at the levels of the individual and society and specialized knowledge in a sub-field (e.g., psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, or language acquisition and development)
  • has thorough knowledge of the history of multilingualism as a research field and methods and theories in the study of multilingualism 
  • can apply state-of-the art theoretical knowledge about multilingualism in order to design and conduct research 
  • can formulate and analyze research questions in multilingualism that address current and future challenges of multilingualism at the individual and societal levels


A graduate of this program:

  • can analyze and critically evaluate various theoretical and methodological approaches to multilingualism  and apply these approaches to work independently on practical and theoretical problems
  • can use relevant methods to assess and analyze multilingual competence and communication, including experimental and/ or field-based methods
  • can identify, collect, analyze and deal critically with various sources of information within the field of multilingualism and use them to structure and formulate research questions and scholarly arguments 
  • can carry out an independent limited research or development project within the field of multilingualism under supervision in accordance with human research ethics 
  • can analyze relevant academic, professional and research ethics problems concerning individual and societal multilingualism, such as challenges in multilingual processing or communicative practices
  • can apply understanding of contemporary linguistic, communicative and societal aspects of multilingualism in order to carry out advanced assignments and projects in new areas
  • can communicate on issues related to multilingualism both with professionals, academics and the general public 
  • can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes, for example through conceptualization and management of multilingualism in a variety of social and professional domains
Published Apr. 15, 2021 10:11 AM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2023 1:40 PM