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Learning outcomes

In this programme option you will be going through the fundamental and more advanced areas of condensed matter physics, and you will learn to handle materials physics on the nano-, micro- and macro scale. The master's programme gives you many opportunities to choose the area of physics that you find the most exciting, through a broad selection of subject areas and research tasks.

A typical experimental project will grant you knowledge about and the use of modern, advanced instruments for studying complex phenomena, develop materials and analyse them. You will also learn how to process experimental data, differentiate between valid and invalid conclusions, and present the results in an understandable way both orally and in writing.

If you choose a theoretical project, you will get an introduction to research with systematic use of theories and models in physics problems. You will learn about the connection between the theories and continue working on their expansion. Later on you will also use them to make specific predictions of physical phenomena. Some calculations can be done analytically, while most of the problems require extended use of programming and numerical computational methods.

Through working on the master's thesis you will learn fundamental scientific methods. You will learn to work independently with a project of your own, and you will get training in how to make a clear, structured and lucid written presentation.

See also learning outcomes for all the programme options.

Published May 23, 2017 12:51 PM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2023 1:35 PM