Syllabus/achievement requirements

(Titles marked with * are from books that have to be purchased. The others are to be in compendiums in the bookshop, Akademika, at Blindern)


* Rosenbeck, Bente: ""Nordic women’s studies and gender research" " in Fehr, Drude von der et al. (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press. pp 344-357.

Widerberg, Karin: "Harriet Holter: A Pioneer in Gender Studies and Sociology" in Acta Sociologica 43 (4), 2000. pp 413-420.

Rogg, Elisabet: "Passion and pain in Academia" in in NORA 3 (9), 2001. pp 154-161.

Husu, Liisa: "On metaphors on the position of women in academia and science" in in NORA 3 (9): 2001. pp 172-181.

Theories on gender

Haavind, Hanne, Hildur Ve: "Understanding women in the psychological mode: the challenge from the experiences of Nordic women and Rationality and identity in Norwegian feminism" in challenge from the experiences of Nordic women" in Fehr, Drude von der et al. (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press. pp 243-271, 325-343.

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum: "European Gender Lessons: Girls and boys at scout camps in Denmark, Portugal, Russia and Slovakia" in Childhood 11 (2), 2004. pp 207-226.

Gender politics and equality politics

Rossilli, Mariagracia: "The European Union’s Gender Politics" in Rossilli, Maraigrazia (ed.): Gender Policies in the European Union, 2000. New York: Peter Lang. pp 1-19.

Borchorst, Anette: "What is institutionalised gender equality? and Gender equality law " in Bergquist, Christina et al. (eds.): Equal Democracies? Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, 1999. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. pp 161-166, 167-189, 190-207.

Skjeie, Hege & Mari Teigen: "Political Constructions of Gender Equality : Travelling Towards… a Gender Balanced Society" and : "" in in NORA 3 (13), 2005. pp 187-197.

Lotherington, Ann Therese: "Innovative Women and Gender-Power in Norwegian Regional Development Policy"" in NORA 3 (13), 2005. pp 187-197.

R?nnblom, Malin: "Letting Women in? Gender Mainstreaming in Regional Policies" in NORA 3 (13), 2005. pp 164-174.

Teigen, Mari: "The affirmative action controversy" in NORA 8 (2), 2005. pp 63-77.

The Royal Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, Norway: The Norwegian Gender Equality Act, 2000. 7 p..

Gendered division of labour and reconciliation of paid work and family obligations

Dahl, Tove Stang: "Women’s Right to Money" in Holter, Harriet (ed.): Patriarchy in a Welfare Society, 1984. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. pp 46-66.

Ellings?ter, Anne Lise: "Women’s right to work: The interplay of state, market and women’s agency" in in NORA 2-3 (7), 1999. pp 109-123.

Haavind, Hanne: "Love and Power in Marriage" in Holter, Harriet (ed.): Patriarchy in a Welfare Society, 1984. pp136-167.

Schunter-Kleemann, Susanne: "Welfare states and family policies in the European countries" in in NORA (2), 1995. pp 74-86.

Kjelstad, Randi: "Gender policies and gender equality" in in Kautto, Mikko, Johan Fritzell, Bj?rn Hvinden, Jon Kvist & Hannu Uusitalo: Nordic Welfare States in the European, 2001. London: Routledge. pp 66-97.

Leira, Arnlaug: Working parents and the welfare state. Family change and policy reform in Scandinavia, 2002. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp 1-14, 132-149.

Brandt, Berit and Elin Kvande: "Flexible Work and Flexible Fathers" in in BSA publications 15 (2), 2001. pp 251-267.

Magnusson, Eva : "Gendering or Equality in the Lives of Nordic Heterosexual Couples with Children: no Well-paved Avenues yet" in in NORA 3 (13), 2005. pp 153-163.

Eriksson, Maria: "Men’s violence, men’s parenting and gender politics in Sweden" in in NORA 1 (10), 2002. pp 6-15.

Education and work organisations

Lahelma, Elina: "School Grades And Other Resources: “The Failing Boys” Discourse Revisited" in in NORA 2 (13), 2005. pp 78-89.

* Jensen, Hanne Nex?: "Gender as the dynamo: when public organizations have to change" and *Ericsson, Kjersti: "Sexual harassment and the genderization of work" in *Fehr, Drude von der et al. (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press. pp 161-175, pp 176-196.

Kvande, Elin: "Doing masculinity in women’s worlds: men working as pre-school teachers and hairdressers" in in NORA 1 (10), 2002. pp 16-25.

Political participation and representation

Lovenduski, Joni: "Change in Women’s Political Representation" in in Rossilli, Mariagrazia (ed.): Gender Policies in the European Union, 2000. New York: Peter Lang. pp 87- 104.

* Christensen, Ann-Dorte and Nina C. Raaum: "Models of political mobilisation", *Raaum, Nina C: "Women in Parliamentary Politics: Historical lines of development", *Raaum, Nina C: "Political Citizenship: New participants, new values?" " and and * Christensen, Ann-Dorte: "Women in the political parties" in in Bergquist, Christina et al. (eds.): *Equal Democracies? Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, 1999. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. pp 17-26, pp 27-47, pp 48-64, pp 65-87.

Ethnic relations/Human Rights

Stoltz, Pauline: "Who are ’we’ to tell? Black, Immigrant and Refugee Women and the Politics of Analysing Feminist Movements" in in Christensen, Hilda R?mer et al (eds.): Crossing Borders, 2004. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark. pp 309-325.

Gressg?rd, Randi and Christine M. Jacobsen: "Questions of gender in a multicultural society" in in NORA 2 (11), 2003. pp 69-77.

Longva, Anh Nga: "The Trouble with Difference: Gender, Ethnicity and Norwegian Social Democracy" in in Grete, Brochmann, (ed.): The Multicultural Challenge Comparative Social Research 22, 2003. Elsevier Ltd. pp 153-175.

Love and Sexuality

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum and Monica Rudberg: "Gender, Love and Education in Three Generations. The Way Out and Up" in in The European Journal of Women’s Studies 7 (4), 2000. pp 423-453.

Kleven, Kari Vik: "Girl culture as a chastity belt" in in NORA 1 (2), 1993. pp 90-104.

M?nsson, Sven -Axel: "Men?s Practices in Prostitution. The Case of Sweden" in Pease, Bob and Keith Pringle: A Man?s World? Changing Men?s Practices in a Globalized World,, 2001. London: Zed Books. pp135-149.

L?fstr?m, Jan: "Introduction: Sketching the Framework for a History and Sociology of Homosexualities in the Nordic CountriesIntroduction: Sketching the Framework for a History and Sociology of Homosexualities in the Nordic Countries" and Lützen, Karen: "Gay and Lesbian Politics: Assimilation or Subversion: A Danish Perspective" in in L?fstr?m, Jan (ed.): Scandinavian Homosexualities. Essays on Gay and Lesbian Studies, 1998. New York: Hayworth Press. pp 1-15, 233-243.

Just for students at KFL4060: Nordic feminist thought on culture and society

*Jonasdottir, Anna G., Drude von der Fehr: "Introduction: ambiguous times – contested spaces in the politics, organization and identities of gender", *Wetterberg, Christina Carlsson: "Equal or different? That’s not the question. Women’s political strategies in a historical perspective", *Karlsson, Gunnel: "Social Democratic women’s coup in the Swedish parliament", *Sigurbjarnardottir, Sighurdur, Helga: ""On their own premises”: the political project of the Icelandic Women’s Alliance", *Bj?rnsdottis, Inga Dora: "They had a different mother: the central configuration of Icelandic nationalist discourse", *Shands, Kerstin W.: "Make a line, so I can cross it: postmodernist space in Camilla Paglia’s Sexual personae", *S?rensen, Anne Scott: "Taste, manners and attitudes – the bel esprit and literary salon in Scandinavia c. 1800", *Lyngfelt, Anna: "The dream of reality: a study of feminine dramatic tradition, the one-act play", *Haavio-Mannila: "Attraction and love at work", *Sj?rup, Karen: "The gender relation and professionalism in the postmodern world: social brotherhood and beyond", *Hein?maa, Sara, Martina Reuter: "Reflections on the rationality of emotions and feelings", Reflections on the rationality of emotions and feelings: "Asta Nielsen: a modern woman before her time?" and and *Pape, Lis Wedell: "Oscillations: on subject and gender in late modernism" in in Fehr, Drude von der et al.: Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press.

Published Dec. 18, 2006 11:29 AM - Last modified Dec. 21, 2006 3:05 PM