Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
19.10.2005Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor? Colloquium 1? Introduction to the course and the participants.

Write up: Clare Palmer's article.

NB! CHANGED TIME: 10:30 - 12:30?

20.10.2005Per Ariansen? SUM 4th floor? Introduction? From Light & Rolston:

1): Clare Palmer (introduction) 10): John O'Neill (values) 11): Holmes Rolston (values)


26.10.2005Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor? Colloquium 2? Write-up: Peder Anker's article


27.10.2005Peder Anker? SUM 4th floor? Environmental Ethics in Historical Perspective? From Light & Rolston:

2): Aldo Leopold

From Witoszek & Brennan:

51): Peder Anker?

02.11.2005Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor? Colloquium 3? Write up: Andrew Light's article (Ch. 30)

NB! CHANGED TIME: 10:15-12:00!?

03.11.2005Per Ariansen? SUM 4th floor? Who counts in environmental ethics?? From Light & Rolston:

4) Peter Singer (sentient beings) 5) Rom Regan (higher animals) 6) Paul W. Taylor (living beings) 7) Eric Katz (animals) 9) Harley Cahen (ecosystems) 15) Christopher Stone (monism) 16) J. Baird Callicott (monism) 28) Robert Elliot (fakting nature) 29) Eric Katz (faking nature) 30) Andrew Light (faking nature)?

09.11.2005Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor? Colloquium 4? Wednesday 14:15-16:00 Write up: Warren (Ch 32 in Brennan and Witoszek)


10.11.2005Peder Anker? SUM 4th floor? Deep Ecology and its Critics? From Light & Rolston:

19) Warwick Fox 20) Arne N?ss 21) Greta Gaard and Lori Gruen 22) Karen J. Warren and Jim Cheney

From Witoszek & Brennan:

15) Arne N?ss 16) William C. French 17) Arne N?ss 18) Baird Callicott 19) Warwick Fox 20) Arne N?ss 21) Warwick Fox 22) Andrew Brennan 26) Kirkpatrick Sale 27) Arne N?ss 28) Arne N?ss 29) Arne N?ss 30) Michael E. Zimmerman 31) Ariel Salleh 32) Karen Warren 33) Arne N?ss 34) Patsy Hallen 35) Murray Bookchin 36) Arne N?ss 37) Arne N?ss ?

16.11.2005Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor? Colloquium 5? Write up: Donald Scherer's article?
17.11.2005Per Ariansen? SUM 4th floor? Environmental Ethics and Sustainability? From Light & Rolston:

25) Donald Scherer (sustainability) 26) John B. Cobb (sustainability) 27) Dale Jamieson (sustainability)

From Witoszek & Brennan:

1) Arne N?ss (romantic) 2) Arne N?ss and George Sessions (romantic) 41) ArneN?ss (preservation) 42) Stephan Harding (preservation) 40) Ramachandra Guha (preservation?) Postscript: Ramachandra Guha (page 473-479)?

23.11.2005Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor? Colloquium 6? ?
24.11.2005Per Ariansen? SUM 4th floor? Environmental Ethics versus Politics, Summary? From Light & Rolston:

34) Holmes Rolston III 35) Robin Attfield 36) James W. Nickel and Eduardo Viola 37) Troy W. Hartley?

24.11.2005? SUM 4th floor/reception? EXAM? The exam will be handed out after the lecture. It is a take home exam to be submitted the 9. December by 16:00 in SUM's reception.

In situations in which the exam evaluation falls between two grades, participation in lectures and colloquiums will contribute to a decision on the final grade. ?

Published Oct. 11, 2005 5:34 PM - Last modified Nov. 14, 2005 2:17 PM