Syllabus/achievement requirements


W. J. Burroughs (2007): Climate change. A multidisciplinary approach, second edition, Cambridge University Press


Falkner, R. (2008): "Chapter 4: Global Climate Change" in Business Power and Conflict in International Environmental Politics. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hussein, A.M. (2000): Principles of Environmental Economics, Routledge, London & New York, Chapter 5.

Karp, L.S. and Zhao, J. (2008) "A Proposal for the Design of the Successor to the Kyoto Protocol" in The Haravard Project on International Climate Agreements September, Discussion paper 08-03, Harvard Kennedy School.

Newell, P. (2000): "Chap 1: Politics in a Warming World: Introduction" and "Chap 6: Climate for Change: Environmental NGOs" in Climate for Change: Non-state actors and the Global Politics of the Greenhouse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Putnam,R. (1988): “Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games” in International Organization 42 (3): 427-460

Schneider and Lane (2006): "An Overview of “Dangerous” Climate Change" in Schellnhuber et al.: Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, Cambridge University Press.

Schreurs, M.A. and Tiberghien, Y. (2007): "Multi-Level Reinforcement: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation": Global Environmental Politics 7 (4), November. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Smit. B and J. Wandel (2006):"Adaptation, adpative capacity and vulnerability" in Global Env. Change 16, 282-292

Tsebelis, G. (2002): "Chapter 1" in Veto Players: How Political Institutions Work, Russel Sage Foundation/Princeton University Press, p. 19-37.

Tyler, N.J.C et al. (2007): "Saami reindeer pastoralism under climate change: Applying a generalized framework for vulnerability studies to a sub-arctic social-ecological system" in Global Env. Change 17, 191-206.

Wilhite, H., Shove, E., Lutzenhiser, L. and W. Kempton (2000): "The Legacy of Twenty Years of Energy Demand Management: We Know More about Individual Behavior but next to Nothing about Demand." in Jochem, E., Sathaye, J. and Bouille, D. (eds): Society, Behaviour and Climate Change Mitigation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.

Wilhite, H. and J. Norgard(2004): “Equating efficiency with reduction: A self-deception in energy policy” in Energy and Environment 15(3), 991-1011.

Articles online

Barrett, Scott. 2010: “A Portfolio System of Climate Treaties,“ in J.E. Aldy and R.N. Stavins (eds.), Post-Kyoto International Climate Policy: Implementing Architectures for Agreement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 240-270

Victor, David. 2008: 'Climate Accession Deals: New Strategies for Taming Growth of Greenhouse Gases in Developing Countries', Discussion Paper, The Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements, Vol. 08-18. December

Christoff, Peter. 2010: 'Cold climate in Copenhagen: China and the United States at COP15', Environmental Politics, 19: pp. 4, 637 —656

Articles to be handed out on lecture:

Desombre, Elizabeth: The United States and Global Environmental Politics: Domestic Sources of U.S. Unilateralism.

Rabe, Barry G. 2010. "Can Congress Govern the Climate?" in Barry Rabe (ed.): "Greenhouse Governance: Addressing Climate Change in America

Optional readings:

Harvey, L.D.D (2000): Global Warming. The hard science. Prentice Hall, Chapter 13-14 (available at the UiO library)

Tsebelis, G.(2002): "Chapter 2" in Veto Players: How Political Institutions Work, Russel Sage Foundation/Princeton University Press, p. 38-63. (available at the UiO library)

Arrow,K.J (2007): "Global Climate Change: A Challenge to Policy" in The Economists' Voice 4(3), Article 2. Download

IPCC (2007): Climate Change, The Physical Science Basis, Technical Summary, Chapters TS.1 to TS.3 Download

IPCC (2000): Special Report on Emissions Scenarios, Technical summary 34pp Download

Nathan Rive, Asbj?rn Torvanger, Terje Berntsen and Steffen Kallbekken (2007): "To what extent can a long-term temperature target guide near-term climate change commitments?" in Climatic Change 82 (3-4): pp. 373-391. Download

S. R. Weart (2003): The discovery of global warming, Harvard University Press, (available at the UiO library)

Published Jan. 18, 2011 2:17 PM - Last modified Mar. 9, 2011 11:36 AM