Syllabus/achievement requirements

MITRA4000 Syllabus/achievement requirements autumn 2019


Antony Best/Jussi Hanhim?ki/ Joseph A. Maiolo/Kirsten E. Schulze: International History of the Twentieth Century and Beyond (3.ed.), London 2015 (Routledge).


Dominik Lieven, Empire: The Russian Empire and its Rivals, Introductory chapter (2003), 3-26.  

Cyrus Schayegh, “The Mandates and/as Decolonization.” In: The Routledge Handbook of the History of Middle Eastern Mandates, Schayegh and Arsan eds. (London: Routledge, 2015), 412-419.

Andrew Preston and Doug Rossinow (eds.), Outside In. The Transnational Circuitry of US History, Oxford 2017,    pp. 1-18; 36-54.

Odd Arne Westad, 'The Cold War and the International History of the Twentieth Century' in: The Cambridge History of the Cold War, pp. 1-19.

Ronald Niezen, The origins of indigenism: human rights and the politics of identity, Berkeley 2003, pp. 1-28.

Hanne Hagtvedt Vik, Indigenous Internationalism, in: Glenda Sluga/Patricia Clavin: Internationalisms: A Twentieth Century History. Cambridge 2017, 315-339. 

Introduction chapter of George Manuel, The fourth world: an Indian reality.

Glenda Sluga/Patricia Clavin, Rethinking the History of Internationalism, in: Glenda Sluga/Patricia Clavin (eds.): Internationalisms. A Twentieth Century History, Cambridge 2017, pp. 3-14.

Pierre-Yves Saunier, Globalization, in: Akira Iriye/Pierre-Yves Saunier. The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History. From the 19th Century to the present day, Basingstoke 2009, pp. 456-462.

Kaspar Maase, “Americanization”, “Americanness” and “Americanisms”: Time for a Change in Perspective?, paper for the conference “The American Impact on Western Europe: Americanization and Westernization in Transatlantic Perspective“, German Historical Institute, 25-27 March 1999.

Karl Hagstrom Miller, Segregating Sound. Inventing Folk and Pop Music in the Age of Jim Crow, Durham 2010, 159-186. (Talking Machine World)

Timothy D. Taylor, Music and Capitalism: A History of the Present, Chicago 2016, pp. 80-117

Available online:

Daniel Hedinger, ?The imperial nexus: The Second World War and the Axis in global perspective,? Global History 12,2 (2017), pp. 184-205 (= 21 pages)?

John Darwin, "Imperialism and the Victorians: The Dynamics of Territorial Expansion," The English Historical Review 112, no. 447 (1997): 614-42. DOI: 10.1093/ehr/CXII.447.614  

Ruth Ben-Ghiat, ‘A Lesser Evil? Italian Fascism in/and the Totalitarian Equation,’ in Helmut Dubiel and Gabriel Motzkin (eds.), The Lesser Evil: Moral Approaches to Genocide Practices (New York, 2004), pp. 137–53 (= 26 pages). 


Erez Manela, “The Wilsonian Moment and the Rise of Anticolonial Nationalism: the Case of Egypt,” Diplomacy & Statecraft, 12/4 (2001): 99-122.

Stephen A. Smith, ‘Towards a Global History of Communism,’ in Stephen A. Smith (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism (Oxford: OUP, 2014), pp. 1-34.

Patricia Clavin. " Defining transnationalism." Contemporary European History 14 (2005): 421-439.

Susan Pedersen. "Back to the League of Nations." American Historical Review 112, no. 4 (2007),pp. 1091-1117.

Sunil Amrith, and Glenda Sluga. "New Histories of the United Nations." Journal of World History 19, no. 3 (2008): 251-274.

Alison Bashford, Population, Geopolitics, and International Organizations in the Mid Twentieth Century Journal of World History, Volume 19, Number 3, September 2008, pp. 327-348

OECD, Economic Globalisation. Origins and consequences:


George Ritzer, McDonaldization, in: Dale Southerton, ed., Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture, vol. 3, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE 2011, 924-927

Timothy Havens, The Hybrid Grid: Globalization, Cultural Power and Hungarian Television Schedules, in: Culture, Media & Society 29, 2 (2007), 219-39




Published May 14, 2019 1:13 PM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2019 3:19 PM