Syllabus/achievement requirements

Primary texts




“Miner” (1851). In Ibsen’s Poems, edited and translated by John Northam, 27–28. Oslo: Norwegian University Press. (Available here)




Olaf Liljekrans (1857) (free download here)

The Vikings at Helgeland (1858) (any edition)

Brand (1866), preferably in Brand and Peer Gynt, London: Penguin, 2016.

Peer Gynt (1867), preferably in Brand and Peer Gynt, London: Penguin, 2016.

Ghosts (1881), preferably in A Doll’s House and other Plays, London: Penguin, 2016.

Hedda Gabler (1890), preferably in in Hedda Gabler and other Plays, London: Penguin, 2019.



Letters (In compendium)


To Bj?rnstjerne Bj?rnson, 16 September 1864 (35–39), 28 January 1865 (35–42, 44–47).

To Georg Brandes, 24 September 1871 (114–116), 4 April 1872 (120–123), 3 January 1882 (198–200). In Ibsen, Henrik. 1965. Letters and Speeches, edited by Evert Sprinchorn. Clinton, MA: MacGibbon & Kee.



Critical literature (in compendium)


Adorno, Theodor W. 1974. Minima Moralia. London: NLB, aphorisms 56–58.

Archer, William. 1972 (1891). “Ghosts and Gibberings”. In Henrik Ibsen. The Critical Heritage, edited by Michael Egan, 209–213. London and New York: Routledge.

Brandes, Georg. 1992 (1871). “Inaugural Lecture, 1871”. In The Theory of the Modern Stage. An Introduction to Modern Theatre and Drama, edited by Eric Bentley, 383–397. London: Penguin.

Durbach, Errol. 1994. “Brand: A Romantic Exile from Paradise”. In Bj?rn Hemmer and Vigdis Ystad (eds.), Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen VIII, 71–82. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Engelstad, Fredrik. 1994. “Between Moral Responsibility and Fanaticism: Reflections on Henrik Ibsen’s Brand”. In Bj?rn Hemmer and Vigdis Ystad (eds.), Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen VIII, 83–96. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Greenblatt, Stephen. 2008. “The Circulation of Social Energy”. In David Lodge and Nigel Wood, Modern Criticism and Theory. A Reader, 555–571.

Helgason, Jón Karl. 2017. “Hallgerd: A Bow-string Breaks”. In Echoes of Valhalla, 77–86. London: Reaktion Books.

James, Henry. 1972 (1891). “On the Occasion of Hedda Gabler”. In Henrik Ibsen. The Critical Heritage, edited by Michael Egan, 234–244. London and New York: Routledge.

Ledger, Sally. 2007. “Naturalism: ?Dirt and Horror Pure and Simple?”. In Adventures in Realism, edited by Matthew Beaumont, 68–83. Malden: Blackwell.

Moi, Toril. 2006. “The Idealist Straightjacket: Ibsen’s Early Aesthetics”. In Henrik Ibsen and the Birth of Modernism, 40–58. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ystad, Vigdis. 1991. “The Young Ibsen – Critic and Theatre-Writer”. Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen 7: 141–160.

Critical literature (accessible from the UiO network)


Beyer, Edvard. 1994. “The Reception of Ibsen’s Brand and Peer Gynt in Scandinavia 1866-68.” In Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen, Vol. 8, edited by Bj?rn Hemmer and Vigdis Ystad, 47-69. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. (Link will be sent later)

B?, Gudleiv. 1994. “Love and Identity in Olaf Liljekrans”. In Proceedings – VII International Ibsen Conference, 284–298. Oslo: Centre for Ibsen Studies.

Fuls?s, Narve and Tore Rem. 2018. “From Stage to Page” and “No Escape”. In Ibsen, Scandinavia, and the Making of World Drama, 9–66. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

Gjervan, Ellen. 2011. “Ibsen Staging Ibsen: Henrik Ibsen’s Culturally Embedded Staging Practice in Bergen”. Ibsen Studies 11 (II): 117–144.


Helland, Frode. 2018. “The Scars of Modern Life. Hedda Gabler in Adorno’s Prism”. In Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler: Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Kristin Gjesdal, 92–111. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hemmer, Bj?rn. 1994. “Ibsen and the Realistic Problem Drama”. In The Cambridge Companion to Ibsen, edited by James McFarlane, 68–88. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Hyldig, Keld. 2015. “Ibsen, Bj?rnson and the Art of Acting”, Nordlit 34, 287-302.


Kaplan, Merrill. 2004. “Hedda and Hj?rdis: Saga and scandal in Hedda Gabler and The Vikings at Helgeland”. Ibsen Studies 4 (I): 18–29.


Lisi, Leonardo. 2008. “Allegory, Capital, Modernity: Peer Gynt and Ibsen’s Modern Breakthrough”. Ibsen Studies 8 (I): 43–68.

Nilu, Kamaluddin. 2007. “Contemporary Political Relevance of Ibsen’s Brand – the Case of Islamic Fundamentalism”. Ibsen Studies 7 (I): 105–121.


Nygaard, Jon. 2014. “The Wilder the Starting Point: Some Critical Remarks to Michael Meyer’s Ibsen: A Biography”. Scandinavian Studies 86 (I): 72–97.


Perrelli, Franco. 2018. “Ibsen and the Italian Risorgimento”. In On Ibsen and Strindberg. The Reversed Telescope, 2–11. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Reinert, Otto. 1995. “Notes to Peer Gynt”. Scandinavian Studies 67 (IV): 434–475.

Shepherd-Barr. 2018. “Against Interpretation? Hedda and the Performing Self”. In Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler: Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Kristin Gjesdal, 92–111. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Tysdahl, Bj?rn. 2003. “An advocatus diaboli reading Ibsen’s letters about art from Rome”. Ibsen Studies 3 (II): 210–224.


Aarseth, Asbj?rn. 2001. “Peer Gynt and Hegel’s Ideas on Egyptian Art”. Scandinavian Studies 73 (IV): 535-546.



Suggested background reading


De Figueiredo, Ivo. 2019. Ibsen. The Man & The Mask. New Haven: Yale University Press.

The introductions in the respective New Penguin Ibsen editions.


Published June 8, 2020 5:49 PM - Last modified June 8, 2020 5:49 PM