
For guidance on how to obtain the readings, see below.

Introductory textbook

Stout, Rowland, Action Chesham: Acumen, 2005.


Anscombe, Elizabeth (1957). Intention. Oxford: Blackwell. Republished 2000 by Harvard University Press, (88 s).


Bratman, Michael (1984). “Two Faces of Intention” , Philosophical Review 93 (3):375-405. Also in Alfred Mele ed., The Philosophy of Action, Oxford University Press, (26s).

Davidson, Donald (1980). “Action, Reasons and Causes”, “Agency”, “Intending”, “How is Weakness of the Will Possible?” all in his Essays on Actions and Events, Oxford University Press, (75s).

Davidson, Donald (1982). “Paradoxes of Irrationality”, Wollheim & Hopkins ed., Philosophical Essays on Freud, Oxford University Press (16s).

Frankfurt, Harry (1988). “The Problem of Action”, “Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person”, “Identification and Externality”, “Identification and Wholeheartedness”, alle i The Importance of What We Care About, Cambridge University Press (55s).

Hornsby, Jennifer (1980). Actions, Routledge & Kegan Paul, chs. 1, 2 and 3 (the appendixes are excluded, 38s).

Jack, Althony and Philip Robbins (2004) 'The illusory triumph of machine over mind: Wegner’s eliminativism and the real promise of psychology.' Behavioural Brain Sciences 24:5, pp. 665-666 (2s.) (NB: If you click on the link, you need to scroll down to pp. 665 to find the relevant article.)

McCann, Hugh J (1997). “Trying, Paralysis, and Volition”, i The Works of Agency, Cornell University Press (16s).

Smith, Michael (1987) 'The Humean Theory of Motivation' , Mind, Mind, 96 (1987), pp. 36-61 (25s).

Velleman, J. David (1992). “The Guise of the Good” , No?s 26:1, (23s).

Velleman, J. David (1992). “What Happens When Someone Acts?” , Mind, Vol. 101.403, (20s).

Wallace, R. Jay (1990). “How to Argue about Practical Reason” , Mind, Vol. 99, 395 (30s).

Watson, Gary (1975). “Free Agency” , Journal of Philosophy 72 (April):205-20I. Also in G. Watson (ed), Free Will, Oxford University Press, 2003, (14s).

Wegner, Daniel (2003) 'The mind’s best trick: how we experience conscious will.' TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, Vol.7 No.2 (5.s)

Williams, Bernard (1981). “Internal and External Reasons”, i Moral Luck, Cambridge University Press ( 13s).

Wilson, George M. (1985). “Davidson on Intentional Action”, i Actions and Events, Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, (red.) E. LePore & B.P. McLaughlin, Oxford University Press, (14s).

Wolf, Susan (1987). “Sanity and the Metaphysics of Responsibility”, I Responsibility, Character, and the Emotions: New Essays in Moral Psychology, (red.) F. Schoman, Cambridge University Press, (18s).

How to obtain the readings: You need to purchase Stout's text and Anscombe's monograph; these can be obtained from Akademika. I recommend buying the collections of essays by Davidson (1980) and Frankfurt (1988), respectively, also available at Akademika. The linked papers can be accessed from any computer within the university's network. The rest can be photocopied from mastercopies stored in a folder at the department's (i.e. IFIKK's) reception, in Niels Treschow's hus, floor 4.

Published May 8, 2012 12:11 PM - Last modified May 8, 2012 12:12 PM