Ellen Stangnes



Published Apr. 22, 2016 4:28 PM

The distances are vast, and from Troms? large groups of tourists travel for several hours by bus or car to experience the diverse winter landscape on these scenic places. Tourist need ”fuel” to stand the distance and food and drinks are consumed during the trip. We all know what happens then. Nature calls. A steady line build up in front of the loo. If there is one.

Published Mar. 1, 2016 12:56 AM

The distance between man and nature has never been greater than today. Our lifestyle is built on linear systems and non-renewable energy sources and we expect new technolgy to solve the environmental challenges the world is facing.  But maybe the answer to future environmental challenges is found in past generations solutions rather than in new technology? Should we look backward as well as to the future?

Published Feb. 5, 2016 2:06 PM

The article  got me thinking. It made me look around and reflect over what is surrounding me. Not on concrete constructions, but on what I perceive natur and natural in my soroundings, and if it is natural or not.