Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
30.08.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 116 PAM/Classfronter? Technical introduction; use of Classfronter; mutual expectations? ?
07.09.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 116 PAM? Course requirements: weekly postings on Classfronter forum; semesteroppgave; use of Arabic script on PC and Internet; the Arabic Internet: types of use and types of forums? homework: Forum posting on coverage of the Egyptian elections?
14.09.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 382 PAM/Classfronter? individual follow-up (semesteroppgave/forum postings)? ?
21.09.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 116 PAM? Technical & political infrastructure of Internet use in the Arab world; majority use/portals: chat, music, games, sports, counselling, ...? Students need to have decided on a topic for the semesteroppgave by today at the latest.?
28.09.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 382 PAM/Classfronter? individual follow-up (semesteroppgave/forum postings)? ?
05.10.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 382 PAM/Classfronter? individual follow-up (semesteroppgave/forum postings)? ?
12.10.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 116 PAM? Empowering individual expression: homepages, discussion forums, blogs? ?
19.10.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 382 PAM/Classfronter? individual follow-up (semesteroppgave/forum postings)? ?
26.10.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 382 PAM/Classfronter? individual follow-up (semesteroppgave/forum postings)? ?
02.11.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 116 PAM? Religious activists on the net? ?
09.11.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 116 PAM? Oral presentations of the semesteroppgave; secular activists on the net? ?
16.11.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 382 PAM/Classfronter? individual follow-up (semesteroppgave/forum postings)? ?
23.11.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 382 PAM/Classfronter? individual follow-up (semesteroppgave/forum postings)? ?
30.11.2005Albrecht Hofheinz? 116 PAM? General conclusion: the impact of Internet use in Arab societies? ?
Published Sep. 11, 2005 5:49 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2005 4:19 PM