Syllabus/achievement requirements

The following is a recommended reading list - exact selection of background and reference literature depends on students' selection of topic for the semesteroppgave

Arab Media & Society,

Gary Bunt: iMuslims: Rewiring the House of Islam, 2009. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN:?978-0-8078-5966-7. see Amazon.

Yasmine El Rafie: "Bloggare utmanar den klassiska arabiskan" in Spr?ktidningen, 3/2008. Fulltext.

???????? ???????: ???? ??????? ????, 2008. IDSC. ISBN:?1687-6385. Omtale. Fulltext.

Daniel Kimmage: The al-Qaeda media nexus: The virtual network behind the global message, 2008. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Fulltext.

Albrecht Hofheinz: "Arab Internet use: popular trends and public impact" in Naomi Sakr: Arab Media and Political Renewal: Community, Legitimacy and Public Life, 2007. I.B.Tauris. ISBN:?978-1845113278. s. 56-78 & 178-184. See Amazon page.

Mohammed Ibahrine: New Media and Neo-Islamism: New Media's Impact on the Political Culture in the Islamic World, 2007. VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller. ISBN:?978-3836416559. See Amazon page. Fulltext.

Rasha A. Abdulla: The Internet in the Arab World: Egypt and Beyond, 2007. Peter Lang. ISBN:?978-0820486734. See Amazon.

Florian Harms: Cyberda'wa. Islamische Mission im Internet: Voraussetzungen, Analyse und Vergleich von da'wa-Sites im World Wide Web, 2007. Shaker. ISBN:?978-3-8322-6243-3.

Deborah L. Wheeler: The Internet in the Middle East: Global expectations and local imaginations in Kuwait, 2006. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press. ISBN:?0791465861. Forthcoming November. See Amazon page.

Albrecht Hofheinz: "The Internet in the Arab world: Playground for political liberalisation", 2005. International Politics and Society. 3, s. 78-96. Fulltext.

Sigrid Faath (ed.): Ver?nderung der Wertehorizonte nah?stlicher Gesellschaften: Inhalte, Tr?ger, Perspektiven, 2004. Hamburg, Deutsches Orient-Institut. ISBN:?3-89173-086-1. Can be bought here.

Albrecht Hofheinz: "Das Internet im Prozess der Ver?nderung der Wertehorizonte arabischer Gesellschaften", 2004. i Sigrid Faath, op.cit. s. 449-472.

Albrecht Hofheinz: Internet-Nutzung und Internetumfragen in Nordafrika, Nah- und Mittelost, 2004. Hamburg, Deutsches Orient-Institut. Erg?nzung zu Hofheinz, "Das Internet und sein Beitrag...". Fulltext.

Gary R. Bunt: Islam in the digital age: e-jihad, online fatwas and Cyber-Islamic Environments, 2003. London, Pluto Press. ISBN:?0-7453-2099-6 ib.0-7453-2098-8 h. 237 s. Also see author's web page and blog.

Dale F. Eickelman & John W. Anderson (eds): New media in the Muslim world: the emerging public sphere, 2003. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN:?0-253-34252-x ib.0-253-21605-2 h. 2nd edn.

Olivier Roy: Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah, 2004. Hurst. ISBN:?1-85065-598-7. orig. French: L'islam mondialisé, Paris: Seuil, 2002. See Amazon page.

Marcus Franda: Launching into cyberspace: Internet development in five world regions, 2002. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. ISBN:?1-58826-012-7 ib.1-58826-037-2 h. Chapters 1-3.

Eric Goldstein: The Internet in the Mideast and North Africa: free expression and censorship, 1999. New York, Human Rights Watch. ISBN:?1-56432-235-1. Online and downloadable versions here. Fulltext.

Jon B. Alterman: New media, new politics? From satellite television to the Internet in the Arab world, 1998. Washington, DC: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. ISBN:?0944029280. 80 p.

Jan Svennevig: Spr?klig samhandling: innf?ring i kommunikasjonsteori og diskursanalyse, 2001. Cappelen. ISBN:?82-02-19876-3.

Arne N?ss: En del element?re logiske elementer, 1975. Universitetsforlag. ISBN:?82-00-01383-9.

Published Apr. 22, 2008 5:02 PM - Last modified Mar. 20, 2009 11:47 AM