Syllabus/achievement requirements

The following is a list of core reading which all students on the course will be expected to be familiar with. Other, specific reading assignments will be given in the course of the teaching.


Kane, Daniel: The Chinese Language: Its History and Current Usage, 2006. Tokyo:Tuttle Pub.

Ramsey, S. Robert : The languages of China , 1987. Princeton University Press.

Sun, Chaofen : Chinese: A Linguistic Introduction, 2006. Cambridge University Press.


Frellesvig, Bjarke: A history of the Japanese language, 2010. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Shibatani, Masayoshi : The languages of Japan, 1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tsujimura, Natsuko : An introduction to Japanese linguistics, 2007. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers.


Lee, Iksop and S. Robert Ramsey : The Korean Language, 2000. State University of New York Press.

Sohn, H.-M: The Korean Language, 1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Language specific reading in the original language:


Sat?, Ry?ichi: O-kuni kotoba o shiru: H?gen no chizuch?, 2002. Tokyo: Sh?gakukan. pp. 334-7, 346-9, 354-5..

Okutsu, Kei'ichir?: 'Boku wa unagi da' no bunp?: da to no, 2nd edition, 1993. Kurosio Publishers. pp. 7 - 32.

The "Language specific reading in the original language" (Japanese) is available for a low price at


(The texts will be available in Fronter.)

Lǚ Shūxiāng 呂叔湘(著)[1952]: 《語法學習》(Studying Grammar) , 香港:三聯書店 2008. [Read the first three chapters, pp. 9-42.]

Jiǎng Shàoyú 蔣紹愚(著):《古漢語詞彙綱要》(Outline of the Classical Chinese Lexicon) ,北京:北京大學出版社 1989. [(a) "詞", pp. 27-35; (b) "詞義發展的幾種方式", pp. 70-93.]

Shěn Guówēi 沈國威: 《近代中日詞彙交流研究 ? 漢字新詞的創製、容受與共享》(Studies of Lexical Exchange between Chinese and Japanese in Modern Times). [(a) "緒論", pp. 3-41; (b) "清末民初中國社會對日語藉詞之反應", pp. 285-322.]

Lù Jiǎnmíng 陸儉明(著)[1980]: ”漢語口語句法裡的易位現象“ (The Phenomenon of Transposition in Colloquial Chinese Syntax). In: 陸儉明自選集 (鄭州: 河南教育出版社 1993), 45-71.

Published Apr. 5, 2011 9:25 AM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2011 4:03 PM