

David Herman (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Narrative, 2007. Cambridge University Press.

Modern Part

Primary Sources

Mò Yán: _Shēngsǐ píláo_ (in any Chinese version, e.g. the one published by Shànghǎi wényì chūbǎnshè 2008).

Mo Yan: _Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out: A Novel._ Transl. Howard Goldblatt. New York: Arcade Publishing 2008.

Secondary Readings

Huang, Alexander C. Y. 2009: Mo Yan as Humorist. World Literature Today, July-August 2009, pp. 32-35.

Spence, Jonathan 2008: Born Again. The New York Times Sunday Book Review 4 May 2008.

Chén Sīhé 2008: Rén chù hùnzá, yīn yáng bìngcún de xùshì jiégòu jí qí yìyi. Dāngdài zuòjiā pínglùn June 2008.

Xióng Zhìqín (ed.) 2010: Lùn Mò Yán Shēngsǐ píláo. Hong Kong Baptist University.

Zhāng Líng 2010: Xùshù de yuánquán: Mò Yán xiǎoshuō yǔ mínjiān wénhuà zhǔtǐ jīngshén. Central Compilation and Translation Press.

Chan, Shelley W. 2010: A Subversive Voice in China: The Fictional World of Mo Yan. Amherst: Cambria Press.

McDougall, Bonnie S. & Kam Louie 1997: The Literature of China in the Twentieth Century. New York: Columbia University Press.

Kubin, Wolfgang 2008: Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur: Chinesische Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert. Saur K.G. Verlag.

Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Resource Center

Traditional Part

Primary Sources

Of the novel, only three selected chapters are obligatory reading: Chapter 22 (Wǔ Sōng's fight with the tiger), and Chapter 23 (Wǔ Sōng comes to his older brother Wǔ Dà's home), and Chapter . These chapters are to be read in the original and at least one of the translations.

Chinese edition:

Swedish translation by G?ran Malmqvist:

English translation by John and Alex Dent-Young:

We will also look at a contemporary storyteller's version of the Wǔ Sōng story for comparison.

Secondary Readings

B?rdahl, Vibeke: "Professional Storytelling in Modern China: A Case Study of the "Yangzhou Pinghua" Tradition". Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 56, No. 1 (1997), pp. 7-32.

B?rdahl, Vibeke: "The Man-Hunting Tiger: From "Wu Song Fights the Tiger" in Chinese Traditions". Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 66, No. 1/2, Narratives and Rituals in Asian Folk Religion and Culture (2007), pp. 141-163.

B?rdahl, Vibeke: "The Storyteller's Manner in Chinese Storytelling". Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 62, No. 1 (2003), pp. 65-112.

*Ge, Liangyan: Out of the Margins. The Rise of Chinese Vernacular Fiction. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 2001. [Introduction, Chapters I, II, IV, i.e. pp 1-63; 101-143]

Ma Chengsheng 馬成生: "《水滸》藝術的論述." 杭州師範學院學報1994年2期 (March 1994): 66-71.

Ma Youyuan 馬幼垣 [1988]: "生辰綱事件與水滸佈局的疏忽", In: 水滸論衡 (台北市: 聯經 1992),p. 323-327.

Ma Youyuan 馬幼垣: "水滸傳與中國武俠小說的傳統" , In: 水滸論衡 (台北市: 聯經 1992),187-210

Nienhauser (ed.),The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature. [Read the entries "Shui-hu chuan", "Chin-p'ing mei", "Hsi-yu chi", "San-kuo chi", "San-kuo yen-i", and "Hsi-hsiang chi"]

Li Qingtang 李青唐:"《水滸》“殺嫂”故事的溯源與演繹." 水滸爭鳴第十一輯。[10 pp]

* Plaks, Andrew H.: The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel. Ssu ta ch'i-shu. Princeton: Princeton University Press 1987. [Chapters I & IV, pp. 2-54 and 279-360.]

Rolston, David L. (ed.): How to read the Chinese Novel. Princeton: Princeton University Press 1990. [Chapters I & II, pp. 1-143]

* Rolston, David L.: Traditional Chinese Fiction and Fiction Commentary. Reading and Writing Between the Lines. Stanford: Stanford University Press 1997. [Introduction & Part I, pp. 1-104.]

All the listed readings and sources, except those marked with an asterisk, will be made available as pdf documents in Fronter. Please note that there may be some minor changes.

Published July 18, 2011 1:06 PM - Last modified Oct. 7, 2011 11:59 PM