Syllabus/achievement requirements

Most of the literature will be available in compendiums.


Neil S. Price 2000 The Scandinavian Landscape. The People and Environment. Pp 31-41 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London, 10 pages

Sigrid H. H. Kaland and Irmelin Martens 2000 Farming and Daily Life. Pp 42-54 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London (12 pages)

Anne-Sofie Gr?slund 2000 Religion, Art, and Runes. Pp 55-71 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London (16 pages)

Knut Helle 2005 The position of the Faeroes and other ’tributary lands’ in the medieval Norwegian dominion. Pp 11-21 in: Andreas Mortensen and Símun V. Arge (ed.s): Viking and Norse in the North Atlantic. Tórshavn 2005 (10 pages)

Jón R. Hjálmarsson 1993 History of Iceland. From the Settlement to the Present Day. Iceland Review, Reykjavík Pp 14-74 (60 pages)

Vésteinn ?lason 1998 Dialogues with the Viking Age. Narration and Representation in the Sagas of the Icelanders. Heimkringla. Mál og Menning Academic Division, Reykjavík pp 17-39 (22 pages) Sawyer, Birgit: 2000 Scandinavia in the Viking Age. Pp 51-64 in: Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ed.): Vínland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Selected Papers from the Viking International Symposium, 15-24 September 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s. (14 pages)

Vikings: Raiders from the North. Series: Lost Civilizations. By the editors of Time-Life Books. Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia Chapter 4. Across the sea, into the unknown. Pp 121-157 (37 pages)

Total 165 pages?


Berson, Bruno 2002 A Contribution to the Study of the Medieval Icelandic Farm: The Byres. Pp 34-60 in: Archaeologia Islandica 2. Occasional papers on Icelandic Archaeology. Fornleifastofnun ?slands. Reykjavík 2002 (25 pages)

Fri?riksson, Adolf 2004 The Topography of Iron Age Burials in Iceland. Pp 15-16 in: Gar?ar Gu?mundsson (ed.): Current Issues in Nordic Archaeology. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of Nordic Archaeologists 6-9 September 2001 Akureyri Iceland. Society of Icelandic Archaeologists. Reykjavík (2 pages) NOTE: Catalogue of Icelandic grave finds by the same author, listed under Resources, below

Kristjánsson, Jónas 1993 Icelandic Manuscripts. Sagas, History and Art. The Icelandic Literary Society. Reykjavík. “Quill and Vellum” Pp 41-52 (11 pages)

Kristjánsson, Jónas 1988 Eddas and Sagas. Iceland’s Medieval Literature. Hi? ?slenska bókmenntafélag. Reykjavík ”A new land” Pp 9-19, ”The major periods” Pp 21-24. ”An age of learning” pp 115-117, ”Grágás. Early Icelandic law” Pp 117-120. ”Ari the Wise” Pp 120-124, ”Genealogies of Landnámabók Pp 124-127, ”Sacred exposition” 127-129, ”Learning of many kinds” Pp 129-133 (42 pages)

?lafsson, Gu?mundur 2005 New Evidence for the Dating of Iceland’s Settlement. A Viking-age discovery in the cave Ví?gelmir. Pp 200-207 in: Andreas Mortensen and Símun V. Arge (ed.s): Vikings and Norse in the North Atlantic. Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Viking Congress, Tórshavn, 19-30 July 2001. Annales Societatis Scientiarium F?roensis, Tórshavn (7 pages)

Vésteinsson, Orri, ?rni Einarsson and Magnús ?. Sigurgeirsson 2004 A New Assembley Site in Skulda?ingsey, NE-Iceland. In: Gar?ar Gu?mundsson (ed.): Current Issues in Nordic Archaeology. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of Nordic Archaeologists 6-9 September 2001 Akureyri Iceland. Society of Icelandic Archaeologists. Reykjavík Pp 171-179 (8 pages)

Orri Vésteinsson 1998: “Patterns of Settlement in Iceland: A Study in Prehistory.” Pp 1-29 In: Saga-book. The Viking Society for Northern Research. (30 pages)

Vésteinsson, Orri; Thomas H. McGovern & Christian Keller: 2002 Enduring Impacts: Social and Environmental Aspects of Viking Age Settlements in Iceland and Greenland. Pp 98-136 in: Archaeologia Islandica 2. Occasional papers on 39 Icelandic Archaeology. Fornleifastofnun ?slands. Reykjavík 2002 (39 pages)

Einarsson, ?rni; Oddgeir Hansson & Orri Vésteinsson: 2002 An Extensive System of Medieval Earthworks in Northeast Iceland. Pp 61-73 in: : Archaeologia Islandica 2. Occasional papers on Icelandic Archaeology. Fornleifastofnun ?slands. Reykjavík 2002 (13 pages)

Edvardsson, Ragnar; Sophia Perdikaris, Thomas H. McGovern, Noah Zagor and Mathew Waxman: 2004 Coping with Hard Times in NW Iceland: Zooarchaeology, History and Landscape Archaeology at Finnbokasta?ir in the 18th century. Pp 20-47 in: Archaeologia Islandica 3. Occasional papers on Icelandic Archaeology. Fornleifastofnun ?slands. Reykjavík 2004 (28 pages)

Total 205 pages


Albrethsen, Svend Erik 2000 The Early Norse Farm Buildings in Western Greenland: Archaeological evidence. Pp 97-110 in: Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ed.): Vínland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Selected Papers from the Viking International Symposium, 15-24 September 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s. (12 pages)

Arneborg, Jette 2000 Norse Greenland Archaeology: The Dialogue Between the Written and the Archaeological Records. Pp 111-122 in: Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ed.): Vínland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Selected Papers from the Viking International Symposium, 15-24 September 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s. (9 pages)

Arneborg, Jette 2005 Greenland irrigation systems on a West Nordic background. An overview of the evidence of irrigation systems in Norse Greenland (ca. 980 – 1450 AD). Papatky Arceologické – Supplementum 17. Ruralia V Pp 137-145 (9 pages)

Bell, Trevor; Joyce B. Macpherson and M.A.P. Renouf 2000 ‘Wish you were here’: A Thumbnail Portrait of the Great Northern Peninsula AD 1000. Pp 203-218 in: Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ed.): Vínland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Selected Papers from the Viking International Symposium, 15-24 September 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s. (14 pages)

Diamond, Jared 2005 Collapse. How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive. Viking.Penguin Group, New York. Pp 178-210 (32 pages)

Ingstad, Anne Stine 1977 The Discovery of a Norse Settlement in America. Excavations at L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland 1961-1968. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo – Bergen – Troms?

  • Chapter VII Newfoundland in Prehistoric Times Pp 131-136 (6 pages)
  • Chapter VIII Cultural Affinities Pp 137-192 (56 pages)

Jones, P. D. and K. R. Briffa 2001 Preface: The “Little Ice Age”: Local and Global Perspectives. Pp 5-8 (4 pages) and Ogilvie, A. E. J. and T. Jónsson 2001 “Little Ice Age” Research: A Perspective from Iceland Pp 9-38 In: Astrid E. Ogilvie and Trausti Jónsson (ed.s): The Iceberg in the Mist: Northern Research in Pursuit of a “Little Ice Age”. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht / Boston / London (33 pages)

Keller, Christian 1990 Vikings in the West Atlantic: A Model of Norse Greenlandic Medieval Society. In: Gerald F. Bigelow (ed.): The Norse in the North Atlantic. Acta Archaeologica Vol. 61 – 1990. Munksgaard. Copenhagen Pp 126-141 (15 pages)

Keller, Christian & Arne Emil Christensen 2000 The Uunartoq ‘Bearing Dial’ – not an instrument for Ocean Navigation? Pp 429-442 in: Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ed.): Vínland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Selected Papers from the Viking Millennium International Symposium, 15-24 September 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s (12 pages)

Keller, Christian Forthcoming Furs, Fish and Ivory – Medieval Norsemen at the Arctic Fringe (manuscript available on the web-pages for this course) (22 pages)

Lynnerup, Niels 2000 Paleodemography of the Greenland Norse. Pp 133-144 in: Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ed.): Vínland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Selected Papers from the Viking International Symposium, 15-24 September 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s. (9 pages)

McGovern, Thomas H. 1994 Management for Extinction in Norse Greenland. In: Carole L. Crumley (ed.): Historical Ecology. Cultural knowledge and Changing Landscapes. School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series. Santa Fe, New Mexico Pp 127-154 (27 pages)

McGovern, Thomas H. 2000 The Demise of Norse Greenland. Pp 327-339 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London (13 pages)

Randsborg, Klavs 2004 Approaches to the Greenlanders. Pp 9-19 in: Archaeologia Islandica 3. Occasional papers on Icelandic Archaeology. Fornleifastofnun ?slands. Reykjavík 2004 (11 pages)

Roesdahl, Else 2000 Walrus ivory and other northern luxuries: their importance for Norse voyages and settlements in Greenland and America. Pp 145-152 in: Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ed.): Vínland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Selected Papers from the Viking International Symposium, 15-24 September 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s. (7 pages)

Roesdahl, Else 2005 Walrus ivory – demand, supply, workshops, and Greenland. Pp 182-191 In: Andreas Mortensen and Símun V. Arge (ed.s): Vikings and Norse in the North Atlantic. Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Viking Congress, Tórshavn, 19-30 July 2001. Annales Societatis Scientiarium F?roensis, Tórshavn (8 pages)

Seaver, Kirsten A. 1996 The Frozen Echo. Greenland and the Exploration of North America, ca. A.D. 1000-1500. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California.:

  • Chapter two: Social and Economic Conditions in Norse Greenland Before 1350. Pp 44-60 (17 pages)
  • Chapter four: Ivar Baardson’s Greenland Pp 91-112 (22 pages)

Smith, Kevin 2000 Who Lived at L’Anse aux Meadows? P 217 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London (1 page) Student copy: attached to the paper by Birgitta Lindroth Wallace “the Viking Settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows, of the same volume.

?orlaksson, Helgi 2001 The Vinland Sagas in a Contemporary Light. Pp 63-77 in: : Andrew Wawn and ?órunn Sigur?ardóttir (ed.s): Approaches to Vínland. A Conference on the written and archaeological sources for the Norse settlements in the North-Atlantic region and exploration of America. The Nordic House, Reykjavík 9.11 August 1999. Sigur?ur Nordal Institute, Reykjavík (14 pages)

Wallace, Birgitta Lindroth 2000 The Viking Settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows. Pp 208-216 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London (9 pages)

Total 362 pages?


Arge Símun V. 2005 Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Environmental Issues in the Faroes. Pp 22-38 in: Andreas Mortensen and Símun V. Arge (ed.s): Viking and Norse in the North Atlantic. Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Viking Congress, Tórshavn, 19-30 July 2001. Annales Societatis Scientiarium F?roensis Supplementum XLIV. Tórhavn 2005 (17 pages)

Barrett, James H. 2005 “Economic Intensification in Viking Age and Medieval Orkney, Scotland: Excavations at Quoygrew. Pp 265-283 in: Andreas Mortensen and Símun V. Arge (ed.s): Viking and Norse in the North Atlantic. Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Viking Congress, Tórshavn, 19-30 July 2001. Annales Societatis Scientiarium F?roensis Supplementum XLIV. Tórhavn 2005 (19 pages)

Batey, Colleen E. 2000 The Islands of Scotland: their role in the Western Voyages. Pp 65-74 in: Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ed.): Vínland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Selected Papers from the Viking International Symposium, 15-24 September 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s. (10 pages)

Batey, Colleen E. 2000 Viking Expansion and Cultural Blending in Britain and Ireland. Pp 127-141 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington and London. National Museum of Natural History, New York (15 pages)

Fellows-Jensen, Gillian 2001 Nordic Names and Loanwords in Ireland. Pp 107-113 in: Anne-Christine Larsen (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland. The Vikings Ship Museum, Roskilde (7 pages)

Graham-Campbell, James and Colleen E. Batey 1998 Vikings in Scotland. Edinburgh university Press.

  • Chapter one: Scotland before the Vikings. Pp 4-24 20 pages
  • Chapter two The Norwegian Background Pp 25 – 36 11 pages
  • Chapter three Sources for Scandinavian Scotland Pp 37-53 17 pages
  • Chapter four Regional Survey Part I: Northern Scotland Pp 54-70 16 pages
  • Chapter five Regional Survey Part II: The West Highlands and
Islands Pp 70-92 (22 pages)

Harrison, Stephen H. 2001 Viking Graves and Grave-goods in Ireland. Pp 61-75 in: Anne-Christine Larsen (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland. The Vikings Ship Museum, Roskilde (14 pages)

Jennings, Andrew and Arne Kruse 2005 An Ethnic Enigma – Norse, Pict and Gael in the Western Isles. Pp 284-296 in: Andreas Mortensen and Símun V. Arge (ed.s): Viking and Norse in the North Atlantic. Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Viking Congress, Tórshavn, 19-30 July 2001. Annales Societatis Scientiarium F?roensis Supplementum XLIV. Tórhavn 2005 (10 pages)

Larsen, Anne-Christine and Steffen Stummann Hansen 2001 Viking Ireland and the Scandinavian Communities in the North Atlantic. Pp 115-126 in: Anne-Christine Larsen (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland. The Vikings Ship Museum, Roskilde (17 pages)

Mundal, Else 2005 F?reyinga saga - a fine Piece of Literature in Pieces Pp 43-51 in: Andreas Mortensen and Símun V. Arge (ed.s): Viking and Norse in the North Atlantic. Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Viking Congress, Tórshavn, 19-30 July 2001. Annales Societatis Scientiarium F?roensis Supplementum XLIV. Tórhavn 2005 (11 pages)

? Corráin, Donnchadh 2001 The Vikings in Ireland. Pp 17-27 in: Anne-Christine Larsen (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland. The Vikings Ship Museum, Roskilde (11 pages)

Pálsson, Hermann and Paul Edwards 1978 Orkneyinga saga. The History of the Earls of Orkney. Penguin Books. Introduction by Pálsson & Edwards Pp 9-20 (12 pages)

Sawyer, Peter 2000 Scotland, Ireland and Iceland: Norwegian Settlers in the ninth century. Pp 29-50 in: Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ed.): Vínland Revisited: the Norse World at the Turn of the First Millennium. Selected Papers from the Viking International Symposium, 15-24 September 2000, Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s. (20 pages)

Thomas, Charles 1986 Celtic Britain. Series: Ancient Peoples and Places. Thames and Hudson. Church organization in Celtic Britain Pp 128-151 (24 pages)

Wallace, Patrick F. 2001 Ireland’s Viking Towns. Pp 37-50 in: Anne-Christine Larsen (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland. The Vikings Ship Museum, Roskilde (14 pages)

Total 287 pages?


Fri?riksson, Adolf 2000 Viking Burial Practices in Iceland. Pp 549-610 in: Adolf Frí?riksson (ed.): Kristján Eldjárn: Kuml og haugfé. ?r hei?num si? a Islandi. 2. edition. Mál og Menning. Reykjavík (61 pages)

Halldársson, ?lafur 2001 The Vínland Sagas. Pp 39-51 in: Andrew Wawn and ?órunn Sigur?ardóttir (ed.s): Approaches to Vínland. A Conference on the written and archaeological sources for the Norse settlements in the North-Atlantic region and exploration of America. The Nordic House, Reykjavík 9.11 August 1999. Sigur?ur Nordal Institute, Reykjavík (12 pages) Eirik the red’s saga (Eiríks saga rau?a) 1997 Pp 1-18 in: Robert Kellogg (ed.): The Complete Sagas of Icelanders including 49 tales. Leifur Eiríksson Publishing. Reykjavík (18 pages)

The saga of the Greenlanders (gr?nlendinga saga) Pp 19-32 in: Robert Kellogg (ed.): The Complete Sagas of Icelanders including 49 tales. Leifur Eiríksson Publishing. Reykjavík (14 pages)

? Floinn, Ragnhall 2001 Irish and Scandinavian Art in the Early Medieval Period. Pp 87-97 in: Anne-Christine Larsen (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland. The Vikings Ship Museum, Roskilde (11 pages)

Ogilvie, Astrid E. and Thomas H. McGovern 2000 Sagas and Science. Climatic and Human Impacts in the North Atlantic. Pp 285-393 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London (9 pages)

Orkneyinga Saga. The History of the Earls of Orkney. Penguin Books The Appreciation of St. Magnus Pp 89-97 (9 pages)

Sigur?sson, Gísli 2000 The Quest for Vínland in Saga Scholarship. Pp 232-237 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London (6 pages)

Sutherland, Patricia D. 2000 The Norse and Native North Americans. Pp 238-247 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London (10 sider)

Vésteinsson, Orri (ed.) 2005 Archaeological investigations at Sveigakot 2004. With contributions from Colleeen E. Batey, Gu?rún Alda Gísladóttir and Przemyslav Urbanczyk. Fornleifastofnun ?slands. Reykjavík (76 pages)

Resources 307 total

Published Oct. 1, 2010 9:07 AM - Last modified Jan. 5, 2011 3:13 PM