Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
24.01.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1? The origin of landscape terms. Maps.? ?
31.01.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1 ? The geological formation of landscapes? Glaciation, land-rise; marine limit, erosion, deposition, ecology.?
14.02.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1 ? The Norse use of the landscape? Farm, shileding, infield-outfield, catchment areas, trade?
21.02.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1 ? The fossil record. Landscape analysis.? Indicators, names, loose finds, monuments, charcoal, slag, plants.?
28.02.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1 ? Excercise. Hand-in nr. 1.? ?
07.03.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1? Organisation of the landscape.? Manors, tenants, land-rent, military?
14.03.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1? Landscapes in the written records.? Laws, inheritance, commons, allodial rights

NB! Comments nr. 1.?

21.03.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1 ? Exercise? ?
28.03.2006? ? Hand-in nr. 2.? ?
18.04.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1 ? Visual landscape analysis.? Methods, terminology, meaning, graves, churches, church organization

NB! Comments nr. 2.?

25.04.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1 ? Preservation of historical sites and landscapes? Ideology, law, nationbuilding, nostalgia, who decides??
02.05.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1 ? Exercise. Hand-in nr. 3.? ?
16.05.2006Christian Keller? Blindernvn.11, seminar room 1 ? Comments nr. 3.? ?
02.06.2006? ? Final hand-in.? ?
Published Jan. 11, 2006 1:35 PM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2006 3:27 PM