Syllabus/achievement requirements

All articles and exerpts from books, except for the reference works, are to be found in compenium in 5 parts.


Graham-Campbell, J. Viking artefacts. A select catalogue. London 1980.

Wilson, D.M. and O. Klindt-Jensen. Viking art. London 1966. Reprint 1980.

Jansson, I. Ovala sp?nnbucklor. En studie av vikingatida standardsmycken med utg?ngspunkt fr?n Bj?rk?fynden. (Aun 7). Uppsala 1985.

Kermode, P.M.C. Manx crosses, London 1907. Reprint 1994.

Shetelig, H. Oseberg III. Kristiania 1920.

Birka I–V. Stockholm 1940–1985.

Sveriges runinskrifter (Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitetsakademien.) Stockholm 1900 :

  • S?dermanlands runinskrifter. (E.Brate and E.Wessén edd.) 1924-1936.
  • Upplands runinskrifter. (E.Wessén and S.B.F.Jansson edd.) 1940-1958.

Jacobsen, L. and E. Moltke. Danmarks runeindskrifter. K?benhavn 1941–42.

Olsen, M. ed. Norges innskrifter med de yngre runer, 1. Oslo 1941.

Krogh, K.J. 1982. ‘The royal viking-age monuments at Jelling in the light of recent archaeological excavations. A preliminary report.’ Acta Archaeologica 53, pp. 183-216.

Compendium: Jan Petersen

  • Petersen, J. De norske vikingesverd. Kristiania 1919.
  • Petersen, J. Vikingetidens smykker. Stavanger 1928.



Roesdahl, E. and D.M.Wilson edd. From viking to crusader. K?benhavn 1992. (220 pages)

Compendium:Styles of ornament

Wilson, D.M. ‘The earliest animal styles of the viking age’. Tiere, Menschen, G?tter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption. (Müller-Wille, M. and L.O.Larsson edd.). G?ttingen 2001, pp. 131–156. (25 pages)

Fuglesang, S.H. ‘Animal ornament: the late viking period’. Tiere, Menschen, G?tter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption. (Müller-Wille, M. and L.O.Larsson edd.). G?ttingen 2001, pp. 157–194. (37 pages)

Harket, A.B. and S.H. Fuglesang. ‘Romanesque animal ornament’. Tiere, Menschen, G?tter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption. (Müller-Wille, M. and L.O.Larsson edd.). G?ttingen 2001, pp. 195–213. (18 pages)

Müller-Wille, M. ‘Tierstile des 8.–12. Jahrhunderts im Norden Europas. Dendrochronologie und kunsthistorische Einordnung’, Tiere, Menschen, G?tter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption. (Müller-Wille, M. and L.O.Larsson edd.). G?ttingen 2001, pp. 215–250. (35 pages)

Fuglesang, S.H. ‘Woodcarving from Oslo and Trondheim and some reflections on period styles’. Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Skrifter. Ny rekke nr. 5. (Festskrift til Thorleif Sj?vold p? 70-?rsdagen). Oslo 1984, pp. 93 – 108. (15 pages)

Roesdahl, E. ‘Dendrochronology and viking studies in Denmark, with a note on the beginning of the viking age’ Developments around the Baltic and the North Sea in the viking age. (The Twelfth Viking Congress) (Birka Studies, vol. 3). (B.Ambrosiani. and H.Clarke edd.). Stockholm 1994, pp. 106–116. (10 pages)

Roesdahl, E. ‘Cammin – Bamberg – Prague – Léon. Four Scandinavian objects d'art in Europe’. Studien zur Arch?ologue des Ostseeraumes von der Eisenzeit zum Mittelalder. (Festschrift für Michael Müller-Wille.) (A.Wesse ed.). Neumünster 1998, pp. 547–554. (7 pages)

Fuglesang, S.H. ‘The relationship between Scandinavian and English art from the late eighth to the mid-twelfth century’. Sources of Anglo-Saxon culture (P.Szarmach ed.). Kalamazoo 1986, pp. 203 - 242. (39 pages)

Wilson, D.M. ‘The dating of viking art in England’. Anglo-Saxon and viking-age sculpture and its context .(J.Lang ed.) (BAR British series 49). 1978, pp. 135–144. (9 pages)

Wilson, D.M. ‘The art of the Manx crosses of the viking age’. C.Fell et al. edd. The viking age in the Isle of Man. (Select papers from the Ninth Viking Congress). London 1983, pp.175–87. (12 pages)

Owen, O. ‘The strange beast that is the English Urnes style’. Vikings and the Danelaw. (Select papers from the Thirteenth Viking Congress). (J.Graham-Campbell et al. edd.) Oxford 2001, pp. 201–222. (21 pages)

Dixon, P., O. Owen and D. Stocker, D. ‘The Southwell lintel, its style and significance’. Vikings and the Danelaw. (Select papers from theThirteenth Viking Congress). (J.Graham-Campbell et al. edd.). Oxford 2001, pp. 245–268. (23 pages)

Pedersen, A. ‘Riding gear from late viking-age Denmark’. Journal of Danish archaeology 13 (1996-7), pp. 133–160.

Compendium: (c.450 pages)


Margeson, S. 1980. ‘The Volsung legend in medieval art’. Medieval iconography and narrative (F.G. Andersen et al. edd.), Odense, pp. 183–211. (28 pages)

Margeson, S. ‘On the iconography of the Manx crosses’. The viking age in the Isle of Man. (Select papers from the Ninth Viking Congress). (C.Fell et al. edd.) London 1983. pp.95–106. (11 pages)

S?rensen, P. Meulengracht. ‘Thor's fishing expedition’. Words and objects. Towards a dialogue between archaeology and history of religion (G. Steinsland ed.). Oslo 1986, pp. 257–278. (23 pages)

Düwel, K. ‘Zur Ikonographie und Ikonologie der Sigurddarstellungen’. Zum Problem der Deutung Frühmittelalterlicher Bildinhalte. (H. Roth red.). Sigmaringen 1986, pp. 221-272. (50 pages)


Jansson, S.B.F. Runes in Sweden. Stockholm 1987, pp. 38–161. (123 pages) (NB! Not in compendium)

Gr?slund, A.-S. ‘Pagan and Christian in the age of conversion’. Proceedings of the Tenth Viking Congress (Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Skrifter. Ny rekke nr. 9) (J. Knirk ed.). 1987, pp. 81–94. (13 pages)

Gr?slund, A.-S. ‘Runestones–on ornamentation and chronology’, Developments around the Baltic and the North Sea in the viking age. (The Twelfth Viking Congress) (Birka Studies, vol. 3), (B. Ambrosiani and H.Clarke edd.) Stockholm 1994, pp. 117–131. (14 pages)

Fuglesang, S.H. ‘Swedish runestones of the eleventh century: ornament and dating’. Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplin?rer Forschung (K. Düwel ed.). Berlin 1998, pp. 197–218. (21 pages)


Madsen, H.Brinch. ‘Metal-casting. Techniques, production and workshops’. Ribe excavations 1970 – 76, vol. 2 (M.Bencard ed.), Esbjerg 1984, pp.17–98. (81 pages) (NB! Not in compendium)

Feveile, C. and S. Jensen. ‘Ribe in the 8th and 9th century. A contribution to the archaeological chronology of north-western Europe’. Acta Archaeologica 71, 2000, pp. 9–24. (15 pages)

Fuglesang, S. H. ‘"The personal touch". On the identification of workshops’. Proceedings of the Tenth Viking Congress (Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Skrifter. Ny rekke nr. 9) (J. Knirk ed.). 1987, pp. 219–230. (11 pages)

Jansson, I. ‘Economic aspects of fine metalworking in viking age Scandinavia’. Economic aspects of the viking age. (British Museum Occasional Papers 30). (Wilson, D.M. and M. Caygill, M. (ed.). London 1981, pp. XX–XX.

Duczko, W. The filigree and granulation work of the viking period. An analysis of the material from Bj?rk?. (Birka V). Stockholm 1985, pp. 15–29. (14 pages)

Graham-Campbell, J. The viking-age gold and silver of Scotland (AD 850–1100). Edinburgh 1995, pp. 34–48. (14 pages).

Graham-Campbell, J. ‘Silver and gold’. Vikings in Scotland. (J. Graham-Campbell and C.E.Batey edd.). Edinburgh 1998, pp. 226–247. (21 pages)

Graham-Campbell, J. ‘The early viking age in the Irish Sea area’. Ireland and Scandinavia in the early viking age (H.B. Clarke et al. edd.).Dublin 1998, pp. 104–130. (26 pages)

Stalsberg, A. ‘The Scandinavian viking age finds in Rus. Overview and analysis’. Bericht der R?misch-Germanischen Kommision 69, pp. 448–471. (23 pages)

Wamers, E. ‘Insular finds in viking age Scandinavia and the state formation of Norway’. Ireland and Scandinavia in the early viking age (H.B. Clarke et al. edd.).Dublin 1998, pp. 37–72. (35 pages)

Published Apr. 29, 2005 4:23 PM - Last modified July 29, 2005 12:53 PM