The final deadline for turning …

The final deadline for turning in term papers is Wednesday, Dec. 1st. This deadline is obligatory and final. If you cannot hand in your essay by the end of the work day (1600 hrs.), you must have a doctor’s certificate (sykeattest/sykemelding) to get an extension. You can submit your essay in one of three ways: 1)Send it as an attachment to me via e-mail. You should receive confirmation of its receipt from me; 2)Hand it in to me personally in my office on or before Dec. 1st. Room 727 NT; 3)Put the essay in one of my pigeon holes on the 9th floor of Niels Treschows hus (next to the door of the ladies’ room or in the mail room next to “Ekspedisjonskontoret”). However you submit your essay, you must also submit a completed form entitled “Obligatorisk erkl?ring vedr. fusk,” which you can find online at if you do not already have a copy. The oral exams for students in ENG4363 will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 14th. Only students whose term papers have been approved will be able to take the oral exam. A list will be posted of times and places for the exam. The oral exam can cover any aspect of the syllabus, including also the term paper you have written. It will take about twenty minutes. It will be conducted entirely in English.

Published Nov. 18, 2004 1:00 AM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2005 12:25 PM