Qualification essay NORAM1506 Fall 2014

Choose ONE of the following three tasks (taken from previous exams).

  1. Lately the American political system has by many been seen as broken. Define and explain how power is shared and divided among various levels and branches in the American system of government.  Give specific examples of what kinds of issues must be dealt with at each level and then specify how power to act on each issue is divided among the three branches at that level. Finally, how does the system of checks and balances among these levels and branches work and why is the result often gridlock?
  2. Discuss this statement: The election of Barack Obama to the presidency is a positive sign that proves that the American Dream can come true for anyone in American society.
  3. In the U.S., as elsewhere, the education system is an important shaper of public attitudes, and is therefore also an important site of social conflict. Give and discuss some examples of this, and discuss why education is so contested. Make sure you include a description of the American education system and the different political influences on schooling in the U.S.

Write an essay of 5 pages (approx. 11 500 characters). Use Times New Roman 12 point, 1, 5 spacing between lines, and 2 cm margins.  Do not include extra spacing between paragraphs.

The deadline is Oct 31st (midnight). The essay should be handed in on FRONTER in the seminar group room, folder marked “Qualification essay”.

Published Sep. 22, 2014 10:59 AM