
Syllabus/achievement requirements, Jour3422, Trends in international journalism - spring 2006)

The set curriculum will consist of approx. 900 pages. Selected international newspaper stories will be used as cases/illustrations during the course.

McNair, Brian ((2002): The Sociology of Journalism, Arnold, London. (160 p) Allan, Stuart & Zelitzer, Barbie (2004): Reporting war: Journalism in wartime, Routledge, London (370 p)

Claes H. de Vreese (2003): Framing Europe. Television news and European integration, Aksant, Amsterdam (180 p)

Simon Cottle (ed) (2003): News, Public Relations and Power SAGE Publication, London (165 p)

Course Reader:

Orgeret, Kristin Skare: Paper presented at Norsk Medieforskerlags Konferanse, Trondheim 2004: ”Celebrating the new South African nation through the global and the local” (21p.)

Orgeret, Kristin Skare Paper presented at The Political Economy of Media Seminar, Centre for Cultural and Media Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004: ”The SABC national evening news in English and textual strategies 1994-2004” (19p.)

Ottosen, Rune & Nohrstedt, Stig A. (eds.):U.S. and the Others, Nordicom 2004, G?teborg; Introduction: Media and the war on terror. p. 7-23 (16p.)

Gross, Peter: Entangled Evolutions. Media and democratization in Eastern Europe. Chapter 4 (The Media as an Institution p.90-123) and chapter 6 (Conclution: The Media, Journalism, and Democratization p.158-174). (49p.)

(105 p)

Published Dec. 14, 2005 5:02 PM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2005 5:08 PM