The next Lecture is Friday …

The next Lecture is Friday Nov. 17 from 17.00 – 18.30. Location: The Freedom of Expression Foundation (Fritt Ord) , Uranienborgveien 2 (just behind the Royal Palace – see map ). Please note: The lecture start at 17.00 (not 17.15), so be sure to be there in time.

Prof. Andrew Feenberg: The Internet, Online Community and Democracy

There is an ongoing debate concerning the effects of the Internet and online community on citizenship. On one side are those who claim that the Internet supports the formation of community, fights the atomization and passivity of the broadcast audience, and revivifies public life. On the other side are those who claim that communication on the Internet is inherently inauthentic and segments the public by shared opinion rather than contributing to rational public deliberation. This talk will review the debate and offer some suggestions for understanding the Internet as a developing process rather than as a finished artifact.

Published Nov. 7, 2006 2:36 PM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2006 10:51 AM