Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
05.10.2006?ke Refsdal Moe? IMK Room 205? Introduction - Foundations of Free Speech.? Suggested reading: Barendt, chapter 1.?
12.10.2006Kristin Skare Orgeret? IMK Room 205? Press Freedom - An African Perspective ? Suggested reading: Lichtenberg, Judith: Foundations and limits of freedom of the press?
26.10.2006?ke Refsdal Moe? IMK Room 205? Justifications and critique? Suggested reading: Mill. Durham Peters Introduction?
02.11.2006Elisabeth Eide? IMK Room 205? Freedom of Expression and Responsibilities. A Dual Vision: The Cartoon Controversy as seen from Pakistan.? ?
17.11.2006Andrew Feenberg? The Freedom of Expression Foundation? The Internet, Online Community and Democracy? Friday November 17. 17.00 - 18.30 at The Freedom of Expression Foundation. Uranienborgveien 2. More info in messages section?
05.12.2006Lilie Chouliaraki ? The Freedom of Expression Foundation ? ? Tuesday December 05. 17.00 - 18.30 at The Freedom of Expression Foundation. Uranienborgveien 2. ?
Published Sep. 11, 2006 2:29 PM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2006 2:47 PM