Teaching Plan Freedom of Expression. …

Teaching Plan Freedom of Expression. Jour 4330. Autumn 2008.

0309. The first session of the course will consist of the students participating in the Departmental Seminar in Honour of Professor Philip Schlesinger. The programme is highly relevant for the topics of the course as a whole.

Time: Wednesday 3 September 12.00 – 18.00. Place: Forum 欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯投注网站推荐@sparken. Gaustadalléen 21

Programme? 12.00 – Welcome. By by Trine Syvertsen, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities? 12.10 – Philip Schlesinger: “Intellectuals and the Politics of Cultural Policy”? 12.40 – Comment: Tore Slaatta? 13.00 – Discussion 13.15 – Break 13.30 – Gillian Doyle: “Cultural Policy Research”? 14.00 – Discussion? 14.15 – Erik Oddvar Eriksen: “What kind of European public sphere?” 14.45 – Break 15.00 – Helge R?nning: “The Challenge to the Concept of Universal Human Rights and Freedom of Expression” 15.30 – Comments to Eriksen and R?nning: Eli Skogerb?? 15.50 – Discussion? 16.15 – Reception

Register before Sunday 24th August with Marius Foss?y Mohaugen at m.f.mohaugen@media.uio.no.

10.09. Principles and History of Freedom Expression

17.09. Freedom of Expression in Relation to other Human and Civil Rights

24.09. Freedom of Expression and/in different Media

01.10. Cultural Wars and Freedom of Expression

02.10. “Fritt Ord” seminar: Walid AL-SAQAF of Yemen Portal: “Press Freedom in the Arab World in the Digital Age - The case of Yemen Portal" At the Fritt Ord House, Uranienborgveien 2 at 17.00.

08.10. Threats to Freedom of Expression

Seminars conducted by Helge R?nning and John F?rseth.

08.09. Writing a home exam and possible topics for discussion in the exam. The relationship between exam questions and curriculum in relation to the principles behind freedom of expression. 29.09. Discussion of Freedom of Expression and the Media with special focus on the Internet

The other seminars (15.09, 22.09, 06.10, 13.10) will be conducted by John F?rseth alone.

Published Aug. 8, 2008 2:20 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2008 12:26 PM