
Obligatory reading:

Peter Arnett: Live from the Battlefield. Chapters IV and V . Simon and Chuster, New York 1994.

Daya Kishan Thussu and Des Freedman (ed.): War and the Media. SAGE Publications, London 2003.

Stephen Hess: International News and Foreign Correspondents. The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C. 1996.

Phillip Knightley: The First Casualty. Revised Edition. The John Hopkins University Press,. Baltimore 2002.

Greg McLaughlin: Thre War Correspondent. Pluto Pressa, London 2002.

Mark Pedelty: War Stories, The Culture of of Foreign Correspondents. Routledge, London 1995.

William Prochnau: Once Upon a Distant War. Vintage Books, New York 1996.


Fisk, Robert: How the News will be censored in this War. Independence, 26.03.03.

Fisk, Robert: The twisted language of war that is used to justify the unjustifiable. Independence, 07.04.03.

Shorr, Daniel: Uneasy evolution of war coverage. Christian Science Monitor, 28.03.03.

Miller, David: Taking sides. Guardian, 22.04.03.

Morley, Jefferson: Arab Media Confront the `New Rules of the Game`. Washington Post, 09.04.03.

Wiltenburg, Mary: All the news that`s dangerous to gather. Christian Science Monitor, 09.04.03.

Carlson, Peter: In the Line of Fire. Al-Jazeera. Washington Post, 03.04.03.

Walter, Natasha: The victor of the news war has been the Internet. Independence, 10.04.03.

Preston, Peter: Please, just tell us what`s going on. Guardian, 07.04.03.

Preston, Peter: Censoring the dead. Guardian, 14.04.03.

Sutclifffe, Thomas: The Conflict on camera: The photographs that have defined the war in Iraq. Independence, 09.04.03.

Goldenberg, Susan etc: Fury as US attacks kill journalists. Guardian, 09.04.03.

El-Nawawy, Mohammed: Whose `truth` is being reported? Christian Science Monitor, 08.04.03.

Millar, Stuart: Fog of war shroud the facts. Guardian, 05.04.03.

Kurtz, Howard: Sensory Overload. Washington Post, 02.04.03.

Hoagland, Jim: The CNN Factor. Washington Post, 27.03.03.

Truscott, Lucian K.: `The media is a weapon of the war`. Guardian, 26.03.03.

Harmann, Danna: World and America watching different wars. Christian Science Monitor, 25.03.03.

Watt, Nicholas and Burkeman, Oliver: The language of war. Guardian, 31.03.03.

Black, Ian: The language of war. Guardian, 29.03.03.

Mariantes, Liz: War-front news rivets and repels. Christian Science Monitor, 28.03.03.

Larsen, Peter Thal: Weblogs meet a global need. Financial Times, 28.03.03.

Swain, Jon: Why the reporter is the last bastion of truth. Observer, 16.03.03.

More migth be added. Keep on reading the international press, and please inform us when you find something interesting for the rest of us. If you come across books which are relevant, we are open to your suggestions.

Suplementary:Behr, Edvard: Anyone Here Been Raped and Speaks English? A Foreign Correspondent`s Life Behind the Lines. Hamish Hamilton, London 1981. ISBN: 0-241-10529-3 Brandon, Henry: Special Relationsships. A Foreign Correspondent`s Memoirs from Roosevelt to Reagan. MacMillan, London 1988. ISBN: 0-333-49920-4

Edwards, Julia: Women of the World. The Great Foreign Correspondents. Houghton Mifflin, Boston 1988. ISBN: 0-395-44486-1

Emery, Michael: On the Front Lines. Following America`s Foreign Correspondents across the Twentieth Century. American University Press, Washingtoin D.C. 1995. ISBN: 1-879383-36-5

Gervasi, John: The Violent Decade. A Foreign Correspondent in Europe and the Middle East 1935-1945. Norton, New York 1989. D443.G36 1989 909.82-dc19

Hohenberg, John: Foreign Correspondence. 2nd ed. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse 1995. ISBN: 0-8156-2648-7

Johansen, Jahn Otto: TV-makt og avmakt. Cappelen, Oslo 1970.

Johansen, Jahn Otto: Sannhetens likkiste? Gulfkrigen og media. Aschehoug, Oslo 1991. ISBN: 82-03-16731-4

Johansen, Jahn Otto: Medier, makt og mennesker. Aschehoug, Oslo 2001. ISBN: 82-03-22648-5

Münkler, Herfried: Der neue Golfkrieg. Rowohlt, Hamburg 2003. ISBN: 3-498-04490-7

Ottosen, Rune: Avisbildet av NATOs krigf?ring p? Balkan. HIO-rapport nr. 8, Oslo 2002. ISBN: 82-579-4121-2

Ottosen, Rune med Nohrstedt, Stig Arne og H?ijer, Birgitta: Kosovokonflikten, medierna og medlidandet. Rapport 190. Styrelsen f?r psykologiskt f?rsvar, Stockholm 2002. ISSN:: 1-401-2383

Prochnau, William: Once upon a Distant War. Young War Correspondents and their Early Vietnam Battles. Vintage Books, New York 1995. ISBN: 0-679-77265-0

Price, Monroe E.: Media and Sovereignty. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2002. ISBN: 0-262-16211-3 (ib.)

Pollock, John Crothers: The Politics of Crisis Reporting. Learning to be a Foreign Correspondent. Praeger, New York 1881. ISBN: 0-03-044336-9

Shirer, William L.: Berlin Diary 1934-1941. (BBC) Kiln House, London 1997. ISBN: 1-85648-414-9

Solomon, Norman og Erlich Reese:Target Iraq.Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. Contexts Books, New York 2002. Utvidet tysk utgave med etterord av Sean Penn: Angriffsziel Irak. Wie die Mediens uns den Krieg Verkaufen. Gooldman, München 2003. ISBN: 3-442-15267-4

Published Mar. 7, 2005 12:24 AM