
Published Dec. 4, 2012 2:56 PM

Take home exam 10. - 13. December

The exam questions will be published on the coursepage monday December 10. at 10.00.

Your exam must be handed in personally, in three copies between 12 and 2 pm on Thursday 13.12.

Together with your exam, you must hand in an (one copy) obligatory statement concerning cheating.

Obligatory statement concerning and more information regarding submission of exams at IMK

Where is the IMK front desk? Map here

Magdalena Tutka-Gwozdz will answer questions regarding the exam question Monday 10.12 at 10.30, room 205, IMK.

Published Nov. 19, 2012 3:09 PM

From Anders Fagerjord:

I have been asked about Barthes' many terms and levels. It is important to bear in mind that Barthes writes in a tradition where he first launches a term, and then divides it into smaller terms.

First he says that everything in a narrative are functions (p. 89 in the 1977 Heath edition). Later, he states that "distributional" functions "correspond to what Propp […] take as functions […]. The term 'functions' will be reserved for these units […]" (92). These functions are what happens, the elements of the action, which he divides into "cardinal functions" (a.ka. "nuclei") and "catalysts".

Functions are distributive. They are chains of causes or actions happening over time. They "distribute" the actions over time.

Indices are integrative, as they describe what does not change over time, such as characters, place, or epoch ("middle age", "Oslo, 1990ies", "Mines of Moria").

Functions and indices are the first level of de...

Published Nov. 13, 2012 11:00 AM

Dear Students,

We wish to invite you to a private filmscreening of No Country for Old Men (2007) at Cinemataket, Thursday 15th November at 03.00pm.

It is free but there are only 70 seats so it is a good idea to be there in time.

Place: Cinemateket, Dronningens gate 16, Oslo Time: 03.00pm

Best Regards, Magdalena, Sara and Anne

Published Nov. 2, 2012 1:44 PM

Dear Students! The first home assignment is available in Fronter under MEVIT 1110 Fellesrom' -> 'Undervisning' -> 'Preparation to the Lectures - Home Assignments'. Please do it before the 6th of November! Magdalena Tutka-Gwozdz

Published Nov. 1, 2012 4:47 PM

Updated and much more detailed teaching plan is available now under 'Teaching' -> 'Time and place'. Please see reading tips for the next lectures! There will be also some homework assignments published in Fronter in advance og each lecture. Use them to better understand the syllabus and regularly improve your skills!

Published Oct. 29, 2012 6:13 PM

Additional note Since there are no significant differences between the newest and the previous version of Film Art. An Introduction, 10th edition of this book which is available in Akademika, can be used with the same result. Here is the list of the relevant parts of this version:

  • Part 2. Film Form, pp. 50 – 110
  • Part 3. Film Style, pp. 112 – 326
  • Part 4. Types of Films, Chapter “Film Genres”, pp. 328 – 349
  • Part 5. Critical Analysis of Films, pp. 402 – 456
  • Part 6. Film History, pp. 457 – 499
  • Glossary, pp. 500 – 505

Published Oct. 29, 2012 6:03 PM

The lecture on Hollywood Style is based on D. Bordwell, K. Thompson. Please read: The Classical Hollywood Cinema from Part 2, Ch. 3,Continuity Editing from Part 3, Ch. 6.

Published Oct. 18, 2012 3:44 PM

Welcome to MEVIT1110!

The seminars start next week, on thursday (24.10)!

Check out the time and place for lectures and seminars ('Time and place') and the detailed teaching plan.

In studentweb you'll find which seminargroup you belong to.

Responsible for the course is: Magdalena Tutka-Gwozdz,

Seminar teacher for group 1 and 2: Anne Nordheim,

Seminar teacher for group 3,4 and 5: Sara Rundgren Yazdani,