Obligatory assignment, spring 2018

The deadline to submit the obligatory assignment is 16 March by 15:00 / 3PM. The assignment must be submitted in Fronter.

The obligatory written assignment is an essay on the following topic:


"Former US president Ronald Reagan (in Carruthers 2011: 99) said that American soldiers ‘came home [from Vietnam] without a victory not because they had been defeated but because they had been denied permission to win [by the media].’ To what extent was the media responsible for the American public’s growing opposition to the war in Vietnam? Use relevant theory, concepts and examples from the course readings."


The essay must be written in English, and no longer than 1200 words (including bibliography).
Your essay must be submitted as a Word document (.docx) or a PDF file (.pdf) in Fronter, no later than 16 March by 15:00. We recommend that you submit ahead of the deadline, as the submission folder inn Fronter closes automatically.

Your essay submission must follow the University's rules for correct use of sources and citations.

If you are not able to submit your essay by the deadline due to illness or other valid reasons, please contact the study administration as soon as possible. Please note that deadline deferrals/extensions are only granted if you can document a valid reason (for instance by submitting a doctor's note).

Your assignment will be graded as either passed or not passed.
If you submit an essay that does not pass, you may be given a chance to submit a revised version.
Please note that your submission must be an actual best attempt at answering the essay question in order to qualify for a second submission. In other words, you will not be allowed to re-submit if you submit a blank or half-completed essay.

The deadline for submitting a revised version of a non-passed essay will be 6 April by 15:00.

Published Feb. 16, 2018 4:59 PM - Last modified Feb. 16, 2018 4:59 PM