

Students must buy one book:

Dahlerup, Drude (2018), Has democracy failed women?  Cambridge: Polity Press

Articles/book chapters:

Students will have access to articles when they have a UiO username and password.

Askanius, T. & M?ller Hartley, J. (2019). "Framing gender justice: A comparative analysis of the media coverage of #metoo in Denmark and Sweden." Nordicom Review, 40(2): 19-36.

Aarseth, Helene (2007), “Between Labour and Love: The Re-erotization of Home-making in Egalitarian Couples within a Nordic Context”. NORA Vol. 15, No 2-3 pp 133-143. (21p)

Ahmed, Sara (2017). ?Introduction: Bringing Feminist Theory Home?, in Living a feminist life (S. Ahmed) London: Duke University Press. Pp 1-19.

Anderssen, Norman & Hellesund, Tone (2009) “Heteronormative Consensus in the Norwegian Same-Sex Adoption Debate?” Journal of Homosexuality Vol 56 (1) Pages 102-120 (18 p.)

Bergman, Solveig (1999), ”Women in New Social Movements” in Bergquist, Christina et al. (eds.): Equal Democracies? Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. ISBN: 82-00-12799-0. pp 98-120 (20p).

Borchorst, Anette (2008), “Women-friendly policy paradoxes? Childcare policies and gender equality visions in Scandinavia”. Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.), Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, Policy Press, Bristol, pp 27-43. (17p)

Borchorst, Anette and Birte Siim (2008), ”Women friendly policies and state feminisms: Theorizing Scandinavian gender equality” in Feminist Theory 2008 9:207 (15p).

Borchorst, Anette et al. (2012) “Institutionalizing Intersectionality in the Nordic Countries: Anti-Discrimination and Equality in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden” chapter in Institutionalizing Intersectionality The Changing Nature of European Equality Regimes Editors: Krizsan, A., Skjeie, H., Squires, J. (Eds.) p. 59 – 88 (29 p.)

Bredal, Anja (2011). Border control to prevent forced marriages: Choosing between protecting women and protecting the nation. Gill, Aisha; Anitha, Sundari (Red.). Forced Marriage: Introducing a Social Justice and Human Rights Perspective. kapittel 4. s. 90-111. Zed Books.

Bredal, Anja (2014) “Ordinary v. Other Violence? Conseptualising Honour Based Violence in Scandinavian Public Policies” in Gill A.K., Strange C., Roberts K. (eds) ‘Honour’ Killing and Violence. Theory, Policy and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. (20 p.)

Dahlerup, Drude (2018) “Exclusion without words” (chapter 1, 1-27) “Breaking Male Dominance in Politics” (chapter 2, 28-58) and the first pages of “The Impact of Gender Quotas” (chapter 3, 59-68) from: Has democracy failed women?  Cambridge: Polity Press (1-68, 68 p)

Ekenstam, Claes (2005), “Manly or unmanly? Fear of falling”. NIKK magasin 3-2005, pp 27-31 (5p)

Enander, Viveka & Holmberg, Carin (2008) “Why Does She Leave? The Leaving Process(es) of Battered Women” Health Care for Women International, 29 (3), 200-226, (26p)

Farstad, Gunhild R. & Stefansen, Kari (2015) “Involved fatherhood in the Nordic context: dominant narratives, divergent approaches” NORMA Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies, Volume 10 - Issue 1 p. 55-70 (15 p.)

F?rde, Kristin Engh. Fair play in a dirty field? The ethical work of commissioning surrogacy in India. In Lie, Merete and Nina Lykke. Assisted reproduction across borders. Feminist perspectives on normalizations, disruptions and transmissions. New York: Routledge. 2017.  (22 p)

Gill, Aisha K. (2014) “Introduction: ‘Honour’ and ‘Honour’-Based Violence: Challenging Common Assumptions” from Gill A.K., Strange C., Roberts K. (eds) ‘Honour’ Killing and Violence. Theory, Policy and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan (chapter 1, 1-23, 23p).

Hearn, Jeff, Marie Nordberg, Kjerstin Andersson, Dag Balkmar, Lucs Gottzén, Roger Klinth, Keith Pringle and Linn Sandberg (2012), ”Hegemonic Masculinity and Beyond: 40 Years of Research in Sweden” in Men and Masculinities 2012 15: 31 (19p).

Hernes, Helga (1987) “Welfare state citizenship of Scandinavian women” chapter from Welfare State and Woman Power: Essays in State Feminism. Norwegian University Press (30 p)

Holst, Cathrine (2018). Scandinavian Feminism and Gender Partnership, In Nina Witoszek & Atle Midttun (ed.),  Sustainable Modernity: The Nordic Model and Beyond.  Routledge.  ISBN 978-1138718210.  Kapittel 6.  s 102 – 118

Hook, J, L. (2010) "Gender Inequality in the Welfare State: Sex Segregation in Housework", 1965-2003. American Journal of Sociology 115 (5): 1480-1523 (44 p.).

Kangas, Olli, Palme, Joakim og Markus Kainu (2016) ?The Nordic Welfare State Model? chapter in Det Norske Samfunn Bind 3. Gyldendal: Oslo p. 38 – 57 (19 p)

Knobblock, I. and R. Kuokkanen (2015). "Decolonizing Feminism in the North: A Conversation with Rauna Kuokkanen." NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 23(4): 275-281. (6 p.)

Korsvik, Trine Rogg (2011), "Childcare policy since the 1970s in the “most gender equal country in the world”: a field of controversy and grass root activism”. European Journal of Women’s Studies 2011-18, pp135-53 (19p)

Langvasbr?ten, Trude (2008), “A Scandinavian Model? Gender Equality Discourses on Multiculturalism”, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 2008 (15): pp. 32-52 (21p)

Lister, Ruth (2009), ”A Nordic Nirvana? Gender, Citizenship, and Social Justice in the Nordic Welfare States” in Social Politics 16 (2) 2009. Pp 242-278 (36p)

Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (2008), “A Nordic model of gender equality? Introduction”. Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.), Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition? Policy Press, Bristol, pp 1-26. (26p)

Monro, Surya and Janneke Van Der Ros (2017). “Trans* and gender variant citizenship and the state in Norway”, Critical Social Policy, vol. 38 (1). Pages 57-78.

Mulinari, Diana (2009) “Women-friendly? Understanding gendered racism in Sweden” from Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. Policy Press, Bristol. 167 -181 (14 p.)

Nadim, Marjan (2016) “Undermining the Male Breadwinner Ideal? Understandings of Women’s Paid Work among Second-Generation Immigrants in Norway”. Sociology Vol.50 (1) 109-124, Sage. (15 p.)

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum (2017) “Feelings and the Social Transformation of Gender” introduction chapter from Feeling Gender. A Generational and Psychosocial Approach. London Palgrave Macmillian p 1-22 (22p)

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum and Monica Rudberg (2000), “Gender, Love and Education in Three Generations. The Way Out and Up”. The European Journal of Women’s Studies 7 (4). pp 423-453. (31p)

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum; Rudberg, Monica (2007). Fun in Gender - Youth and Sexuality, Class and Generation. Nora : Nordic journal of women's studies 2007;15(2-3):100-113,

Railo, Erkka (2014), ”Women’s Magazines, the Female Body, and Political Participation” in NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 2014 1. pp 48-62 (13 p).

Roen, Katrina (2001). “”Either/Or” and “Both/Neither”: Discursive tensions in transgender politics”, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society”, vol 27 (2). Pp: 501-522.

Rydstr?m, Jens (2011), “Summary and conclusions” in Rydstr?m, Jens: Odd Couples. A History of Gay Marriage in Scandinavia. Amsterdam: Aksant (11p)

Sevil Sümer, Hande Eslen-Ziya. New waves for old rights? Women’s mobilization and bodily rights in Turkey and Norway. European Journal of Women’s Studies 2017, Vol. 24(1) 23 –38

Siim, Birte & Skjeie, Hege (2008) “Tracks, intersections and dead ends. Multicultural challenges to state feminism in Denmark and Norway” Ethnicities Vol 8(3), p. 322-344 (22 p.)

Skjeie, Hege & Teigen, Mari (2017) “The Nordic Gender Equality Model: Comparing Scores” short version of a chapter in The Nordic Model of political science – challenged, but still viable. Knutsen, Oddbj?rn (ed.)(18p.)

Smeby, Kristine Warhuus (2017) “When work meets childcare – The competing logics of mothering and gender equality.” in Brandt, Halrynjo & Kvande (2017) (eds.) Work-Family Dynamics: Competing Logics of Regulation, Economy and Morals. Routledge

Smedegaard Nielsen, A. & L. Myong. (2019). "White Danish love as affective intervention: Studying media representations of family reunification involving children." Nordic journal of migration research 9 (4): 497-514.

Sogner, S?lvi. Abortion, birth control, and contraception: fertility decline in Norway. Journal of interdisciplinary history, Oct 2003, Vol.XXXIV(2), pp.209-234 (25 p)

Stryker, Susan (2006), “(De)Subjugated Knowledges: An introduction to Transgender studies”, in The transgender studies reader (eds. Susan Stryker and Stephen Whittle). Pp: 1-17

Teigen, Mari (2011), “Quotas in Corporate Boards” in Kirsti Niskanen (ed.): Gender and Power in the Nordic Countries, 2011. NIKK publication 2011:1. p. 87-110. (24 p)

Widerberg, Karin (2000), “Harriet Holter: A Pioneer in Gender Studies and Sociology”, Acta Sociologica 43 (4), pp 413-420. (8p)



Andreassen, R. & L. Myong. (2017). "Race, gender and researcher positionality analysed through memory work." Nordic Journal of migration research 7 (2): 97-104.

Gislason, Ingolfur V (2011), “Introduction” in Gislason, Ingolfur V. and Gudny Bj?rk Eydal (eds.) Parental leave, childcare and gender equality in the Nordic countries. TemaNord 2011:562 pp 13-30 (18 p.)

Kantola, Johanna and Judith Squires (2012), “From stat feminism to market feminism?” International Political Science Review 33(4), pp 382-400 

Sigurvinsdottir, R., B. Bjork Asgeirsdottir & S. Arnalds. (2020) "Breaking the silence. Social media disclosures of sexual violence in Iceland." In: Eds. Heinskou, M.B., M.L. Skilbrei & K. Stefansen. Rape in the Nordic countries. Continuity and change. Oxon, New York: Routledge. pp. 226-240.

Skilbrei, M., K. Stefansen & M. Bruvik Heinskou. (2020). "A Nordic research agenda on rape and sexual violence." In: Eds. Heinskou, M.B., M.L. Skilbrei & K. Stefansen. Rape in the Nordic countries. Continuity and change. Oxon, New York: Routledge. pp. 1-17.

Wetterberg, Christina Carlsson and Kari Melby (2008), “The claim of economic citizenship: the concept of equality in a historical context”. Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.), Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition? Bristol: Policy Press, pp 43-62. (20 p.)

Published May 19, 2020 1:17 PM - Last modified May 20, 2020 11:08 AM