
All articles will be available online. 

Angell, O.H. (2010) “Sacred Welfare Agents in Secular Welfare Space: The Church of Norway in Drammen” in (Eds.) B?ckstr?m, Anders and Grace Davie. Welfare and Religion in 2ast Century Europe: Volume 1: Configuring the Connections. Farnham: Ashgate; pp. 57-75 (19 pages)

Arter, D. “Ch. 9: The Nordic States: Consensual democracies” in Scandinavian Politics Today. Third edition. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016; pp. 167-185 (19 pages)

Brochmann, G. and Djuve A.B. (2013) “Chapter 9: Multiculturalism or Assimilation? The Norwegian Welfare State Approach” in Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States. Kivisto and Wahlbeck (eds.) Palgrave Macmillan; pp. 219 – 245.

Carling, J. and M.B. Erdal (2018). “Is ‘Sustainable Migration’ a Valuable Concept?” PRIO Policy Brief, No. 5. (4 pages)

Chinga-Ramirez, C. (2017) “Becoming a ‘Foreigner’: The Principle of Equality, Intersected Identities, and Social Exclusion in the Norwegian School”, European Education, Vol. 49 (2-3); pp. 151-165 (15 pages)

Djuve, A.B., H.C. Kavli, E.B. Sterri and B. Br?ten (2017). “Summary of the research report ‘Introductory programme and Norwegian language training. What works – for whom?” FAFO-rapport, No. 31.

Djuve, A. B., and Kavli, H. C. (2019). “Refugee integration policy the Norwegian way – why good ideas fail and bad ideas prevail.” Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 25 (1); pp. 25–42. 

D?lvik, J.E. et al. (2015) “Towards 2030” in The Nordic model towards 2030 A new chapter? Oslo: FAFO Report; pp. 137-158 (22 pages).

Ellings?ter, A. (2015). "14 Making, Unmaking and Remaking: The Evolution of Nordic Cash for Childcare Schemes". In Cooperation and Conflict the Nordic Way. Sciendo Migration; pp. 262-280. (19 pages)

Erdal, M.B. and R.T. Ezzati (2015). “Age, life cycle, and length of stay: temporal perspectives on integration.” PRIO Policy Brief, No. 1. (4 pages)

Eriksen, T. H. (2013) Immigration and National Identity in Norway. Report for The Transatlantic Council on Migration. (17 pages) ):

Esping-Andersen, G. (2007) “Equal opportunities and the welfare state.” Contexts Vol. 6 (3) (5 pages) 

Eydal, G.B. and T. Rostgaard (2011) Gender Equality Revisited – Changes in Nordic Childcare Policies in the 2000s. Social Policy and Administration. Vol. 45 (2) pp. 161-179. (19 pages)

“Facts about Education in Norway – 2019”, Statistics Norway - 

Fernandes, A. G. (2015). “(Dis)Empowering New Immigrants and Refugees Through Their Participation in Introduction Programs in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway,” Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, Vol. 13 (3); pp. 245-264. (20 pages)

Friberg, J.H. & A. Midtb?en (2018). “Ethnicity as skill: immigrant employment hierarchies in Norwegian low-wage labour markets.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 44 (9); pp. 1463-1478 (16 pages)

Furseth, I. (2017). "11 The Return of Religion in the Public Sphere? The Public Role of Nordic Faith Communities". In Institutional Change in the Public Sphere. Sciendo Migration; pp. 221-240. (20 pages)

Gr?dem, A.S. (2017). “Family-oriented policies in Scandinavia and the challenge of immigration” Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 27 (1); pp. 77 – 89 (13 pages)

Gullestad, M. (2002) “Invisible Fences: Egalitarianism, Nationalism and Racism”. Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 8, pp. 45-63. (18 pages)

Hagen, T. (2011) “Organization and Financing of Healthcare Services” in Molven, O. and Ferkis, J. (eds.) Healthcare, Welfare and Law. Gyldendal akademisk forlag; pp. 38-46. (9 pages)

Halvorsen, K. and Stjern?, S. (2008). Work, Oil and Welfare. The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Chapter 1, “From poverty to a welfare state”. (15 pages)

Hernes, H. (1988). “Scandinavian Citizenship”. Acta Sociologica Vol. 31 (3); pp. 199-215 (17 pages)

Hilson, M. (2008) “Chapter 3: The Nordic Model of Welfare” The Nordic Model: Scandinavia since 1945. London: Reaktion books; pp. 87-115. (29 pages)

“ICERD 2018 The Ombud’s report to the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination – a supplement to Norway’s twenty-third/twenty-fourth periodic report”

Imsen, G., U. Blossing & L. Moos (2017). “Reshaping the Nordic education model in an era of efficiency. Changes in the comprehensive school project in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden since the millennium.” Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61 (5); pp.568-583 (16 pages)

Jensen, C. and Tinggaard, G. (2011). “Giving money to strangers: European welfare states and social trust” International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 20; pp 3-9 (7 pages)

Kangas, O., Palme, J. and M. Kainu (2016) “The Nordic Welfare State Model”, in Det Norske Samfunn Bind 3; pp. 38-57 (20 pages)

Kj?nstad, A. (2011) “The Right to Primary Healthcare” in Molven, O. and Ferkis, J. (eds.) Healthcare, Welfare and Law. Gyldendal akademisk forlag; pp. 58-70. (13 pages)

Knutsen, O. (2017) “Ch. 2: Political Parties and Party Systems,” in The Nordic Models in Political Science. Challenged, but still viable? Bergen: Fagbokforlaget; pp. 45-76 (32 pages)

Lister, R. (2009) “A Nordic Nirvana? Gender, Citizenship, and Social Justice in the Nordic Welfare States.” Social Politics Vol. 16 (2), 2009: pp. 242-278. (27 pages)

Marmot, M. (2015) “Chapter 4: Equity from the Start” in The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World. London: Bloomsbury Publishing; pp. 111-142 (32 pages)

McKowen, K. (2018). "A Welfare 'Regime of Goodness': Self-interest, reciprocity, and the moral sustainability of the Nordic Model" in Witoszek, N. and Midttun, A. (eds.) Sustainable Modernity: The Nordic Model and Beyond. London: Routledge; pp.119-138 (20 pages)

Norwegian Petroleum, Exports of Oil and Gas -

Rothstein, B. (2011). “Quality of Government and the Welfare State” (Ch. 6) in The Quality of Government: Corruption, Social Trust, and Inequality in International Perspective. London: The University of Chicago Press, Ltd.; pp. 120-144 (25 pages)

Siim, B. and P. Stoltz (2013) “Nationalism, Gender and Welfare – The politics of gender equality in Scandinavia”. Freia Working Paper Series, No. 84. (21 pages)

S?rvoll, J. (2015) “The Norwegian Welfare State 2005-2015: Public attitudes, political debates and future challenges”

Svendsen, G.L.H. & G.T. Svendsen (2015). “The Puzzle of the Scandinavian Welfare State and Social Trust” Issues in Social Science, Vol. 3 (2); pp. 90-99 (10 pages)

Taj, F. (2014) “The Status and Role of the Pakistani-Norwegian Mosque: Interfaith Harmony and Women’s Rights in Norway” in (Ed.) Gallo, Ester. Migration and Religion in Europe: Comparative Perspectives on South Asian Experiences. Farnham: Ashgate; pp. 59-76 (18 pages)

Talleraas, C. (2018). “Combining Transnational Living and National Welfare.” PRIO Policy Brief, No. 1. (4 pages)

Teigen, M. (2015). "6 The Making of Gender Quotas for Corporate Boards in Norway". In Cooperation and Conflict the Nordic Way. Sciendo Migration; pp. 96-117. (21 pages)

Teigen, M. and H. Skjeie. (2017). “Chapter 5: The Nordic Gender Equality Model” in Knutsen, O. (Ed.) The Nordic Models in Political Science. Challenged but still viable? Bergen: Fagbokforlaget; pp. 125-148. (24 pages)

Thun, C. (2015). “Inclusive and Women-friendly in a time of Diversity? The Scandinavian citizenship regime – the ‘childcare lesson’”. Nordic Journal of Social Research, Vol. 6. (21 pages)

“The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud’s Report to the Pre-session of the CEDAW” (2011), The Norwegian Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud

Titmuss, R. (2006) “Universalism versus Selection”. In Pierson, Christopher and F. Castles (eds.) The Welfare State Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press; pp. 40-49 (9 pages)

Vike, H. (2018). “Chapter 4: The Welfare State and the Possibility of Solidarity.” in Politics and Bureaucracy in the Norwegian Welfare State, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wetterberg, C.C. and K. Melby (2009) “The claim of economic citizenship: the concept of equality in a historical context” in (Eds.) Melby, K., A. Ravn and C.C. Wetterberg. Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia: The limits of political ambition? Bristol: The Policy Press; pp. 43-62 (20 pages).

Wilkinson, R. & K. Pickett (2010). “The end of an era” (Ch. 1) and “Poverty or inequality?” (Ch. 2), in The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone. London: Penguin Books Ltd.; pp. 3-30. (28 pages)

?stby, L. (2017) “Asylum Seekers: How many become refugees, and how does this affect the immigrant situation? From asylum seeker to refugee – before and after the crisis of 2015” Samfunnsspeilet 4/2016


Additional Recommended Readings:


Brochmann, G. and Hagelund. A. (2011) “Migrants in the Scandinavian Welfare State. The Emergence of a Social Policy Problem”. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. Vol. 1 (1); pp 13-24. (11 pages).

Chan, T. W., Birkelund, G. E., Aas, A. K. and Wiborg,?. (2011) “Social Status in Norway”. European Sociological Review, Vol. 27, No. 4. pp. 451-468. (17 pages)

D?lvik, J.E. et al. (2015) The Nordic model towards 2030 A new chapter? Oslo: Fafo Report; 07, 2015.

Halvorsen, K. and Stjern?, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare. The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

Langvasbr?ten, T. (2008) “A Scandinavian Model? Gender Equality Discourses on Multiculturalism”, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society (15): pp. 32-52 (21 pages)

Rothstein, B. (2005) “Social capital in the social democratic welfare state” (Ch. 4) in Social Traps and The Problem of Trust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp. 71-91. 

Skjeie, H. (2002) “Credo on Difference – Women in Parliament in Norway” in Women in Parliament. Stockholm: International IDEA. (5 pages)

Thun, C. (2012) “Norwegianness as Lived Citizenship: Religious women doing identity work at the intersections of nationality, gender and religion”. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, Vol. 25 (1); pp. 1-25 (25 pages).

Thun, C. (2011) “’Norwegian Women Got Gender Equality Through Their Mothers’ Milk, But Anti-Racism Is Another Story’ – An Analysis of Power and Resistance in Norwegian Feminist Discourse”. NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 37-56 (20 pages).

Tveit, S. (2014) “Educational assessment in Norway” Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, Vol. 21 (2); pp. 221 – 237.

Vassenden, A. (2010) “Untangling the Different Components of Norwegianness”. Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 16, 4; pp. 734-752. (18 pages)

Wetlesen, T.S. (2013) “Work Values in the Second Generation of Gender Equality Pioneers: A Case Study from Norway”. Gender, Work and Organization, Vol. 20 (1); pp. 100-112 (13 pages).

Published May 13, 2020 3:01 PM - Last modified May 19, 2020 1:26 PM