Syllabus/achievement requirements

EIDE, ASBJ?RN, et. al. (eds.), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Textbook. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2nd ed. (2001). ISBN 90-411-1613-3. Pp. 9-54, 111-119, 133-168, 289-302, 353-388 (136 pages). [2-year loan from NCHR library]

NOWAK, MANFRED, U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. Kehl, Germany: N.P. Engel (1993). ISBN 3-88357-106-7. Pp. 26-93 (67 pages).

OVEY, CLARE and ROBIN C.A. WHITE, The European Convention on Human Rights. Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. (2002). ISBN 0-19-876580-0. Pp. 14-24, 198-275, 331-338, 347-385 (132 pages).

SMITH, RHONA K.M., Textbook on International Human Rights. Oxford University Press (2003). ISBN 1-84-174301-1. Pp. 205-294, 309-338 (118 pages).

Reference Texts

Likely allowed to be used during the examination so long as it contains no substantive notes (cross references only).

Basic Documents on Public International Law. University of Oslo Unipub (2002).

BROWNLIE, IAN and GUY S. GOODWIN-GILL (eds.), Basic Documents on Human Rights. Oxford University Press (4th ed., 2002). ISBN 0-19-924944-X.

MALMGREN, OTTO (ed.), International Human Rights Documents: A Compilation of United Nations Conventions, Optional Protocols, General Comments and General Recommendations. Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, 3rd ed. (2004).

453 pages

Published Sep. 6, 2004 12:43 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2004 12:52 PM