Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required reading list:

The reading list has been subject to change pr. 7 March 2005.

701 pages + handouts.

SEN, AMARTYA Development as Freedom. New York: Anchor Books (1999). Introduction and Chs. 1-4. [109 pp.]

SHUE, HENRY Basic Rights. Princeton: Princeton University Press (3rd ed., 2000). Pp. 11-153. [142 pp.]

SKOGLY, SIGRUN “The Role of International Financial Institutions in a Rights-based Approach to the Process of Development.” In Andreassen and Marks (eds). [28 pp.] [Handout]

Compendium. Oslo: Unipub (2005). [Available at UiO Bookstore in late January 2005] [422 pp.];

LEYS, COLIN The Rise & Fall of Development Theory. Oxford: James Currey, Ltd. (1996). Pp. 3-44. [42 pp.]

ANDREASSEN, B?RD ANDERS “Development, Capabilities, Rights: What is New About the Right to Development and a Rights Approach to Development? In Morten Bergsmo (ed.), Human Rights and Criminal Justice for the Downtrodden: Essays in Honour of Asbj?rn Eide. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (2003). [23 pp.]

SEN, AMARTYA “Human Rights and Development.” In B?rd A. Andreassen and Stephen P. Marks (eds.). Development as a Human Rights. A Nobel Symposium Book. Harvard University Press (Forthcoming). [15 pp.]

MOENE, KARL OVE & MICHAEL WALERSTEIN Social Democracy as a Development Strategy. Unpublished (2002). Pp. 1-29. [29 pp.]

SENGUPTA, ARJUN K. Third Report of the Independent Expert on the Right to Development. UN Doc. E/CN.4/1999/WG.18.2. [21 pp.]

SEN, AMARTYA: Development as Freedom. New York: Anchor Books (1999) Ch. 6 (The Importance of Democracy), 14 pp. and

STIGLITZ, JOSEPH: Globalisation and its Discontents, London, New York: Penguin Books, 2002, Ch. 3 (Freedom to Choose?), 35 pp.

HUNT, PAUL, SIDDIQ OSMANI & MANFRED NOWAK Summary of the Draft Guidelines on a Human Rights Approach to Poverty Reduction. Unpublished (2002). Pp. 1-12. [12 pp.]

BEITZ, CHARLES Political Theory and International Relations. Princeton University Press (1979). Part Three (“International Distributive Justice”) and Conclusion. [60 pp.]

ARCE, ALBERTO AND NORMAN LONG "Bridging Two Worlds: An Ethnography of Bureaucrat-peasant Relations in Western Mexico.” In Mark Hobart (ed.), An Anthropological Critique of Development: The Growth of Ignorance. London: Routledge (1993). Pp. 179-208. [29 pp.]

MOSSE, DAVID “The Ideology and Politics of Community Participation: Tank Irrigation Development in Colonial and Contemporary Tamil Nadu.” In R.D. Grillo and R.L. Stirrat (eds.), Discourses of Development: Anthropological Perspectives. Oxford: Berg Publishers (1997). Pp. 255-291. [36 pp.]

GRILLO, R.D. “Discourses of Development: The View from Anthropology.” In R.D. Grillo and R.L. Stirrat (eds.), Discourses of Development: Anthropological Perspectives. Oxford: Berg Publishers (1997). Pp. 1-33. [32 pp.]

HANN, CHRIS “Introduction: Political Sociology and Civil Anthropology.” In Chris Hann and Elizabeth Dunn (eds.), Civil Society: Challenging Western Models. London: Routledge (1996). Pp. 1-26. [25 pp.]

RABO, ANNIKA “Gender, State and Civil Society in Jordan and Syria. In Chris Hann and Elizabeth Dunn (eds.), Civil society. Challenging Western Models. London: Routledge (1996). Pp. 155-177. [22 pp.]

EKERN, STENER. “Visions of the Right Order: Contrast between Communitarian Law in Guatemala and International Human Rights Law. In Lone Lindholt and Steen Schaumberg-Muller (eds.), Human Rights in Development: Local/Living Law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Forthcoming). [25 pp.]

Recommended reading: None

Reference text: None

Published Dec. 3, 2004 8:08 PM - Last modified Mar. 14, 2005 2:06 PM