Note! The assignment to be submitted also in Fronter

Please be informed that there have been some changes re. submission of the final term paper. The final term paper must now be submitted both on paper (2 copies) and in Fronter within the deadlines as shown below. Submission in Fronter is done because all exam papers shall undergo a plagiarism check done by the Law faculty. Due to the changes, the submission deadlines have been extended.

The submission deadlines are as follows:

  • The version on paper: to be sumbitted at the Info Centre at the Law faculty (Domus Academica building, 2nd floor) by 15:00 on due date
  • Submission in Fronter: to be sumbitted by midnight 23:59 on due date.

The instructions about the final term paper have now been updated, please follow them carefully. We have also made a User guide on how to submit the paper in Fronter  (see opposite page, under the heading "Information about topic and final term paper (examination)")

Note: If you are retaking the course from last year, the system will not allow you to view the ‘assignment’-folder in Fronter. You then need to contact the administration some days prior to the submission date by sending an e-mail to Bente Lindberg Kraab?l:


Fronter log in is done by using your usual password and username:



Published Nov. 22, 2013 6:51 PM - Last modified Nov. 24, 2013 4:26 PM