
Published June 11, 2013 9:49 AM

Cand 5730-5752 Anne Hellum tlf 22850042, cand 7539-7587 Else Leona McClimans tlf 63809080

Published Jan. 21, 2013 3:50 PM

The objective of the Seminar is to introduce Visiting and Norwegian students to legal systems particularly the EU legal order; explain the relationship between Norwegian domestic law,European Union, European Human Rights Law and International law; and methods of study such as case-law method.

  • Time: Friday 25 January: 12.15- 16.00
  • Place: Auditoriet, 7 floor, Domus Nova, St. Olavs plass 5



Published Nov. 26, 2012 11:06 AM

Further particulars on lectures, literature and achievement requirements for JUR1910 are available on the semesterpage of JUS5910 Women's Law and Human Rights

Note that the achievement requirements for the bachelor version of the course are different from the corresponding master version.