
Published Mar. 31, 2017 1:12 PM

Please note that the lecture 12 April is moved to 19 April, see updated time table.

Published Mar. 31, 2017 10:25 AM

As the original grading deadline falls on Maundy Thursday, the grades for the mid-term will not be published until Tuesday 18 April.

Published Mar. 28, 2017 9:35 AM

If you have questions regarding the 4-hour exam and the “regulations for support materials” you are welcome to drop by and speak with student advisors, 5 April , from 13.00- 14.00 in Theologisk eksamenssal, 2 th.floor, Domus Academica.


We recommend that you read carefully all information, the FAQ regarding the “guidelines for the 4 hour written examination”, and listen to the exam tips video posted on the course website. You may at any time drop by at the Info-center in Domus Academica (10- 15) if you have questions,- and make sure you have provided the relevant support material for the exam in due time before your exams take place.


Published Mar. 27, 2017 4:35 PM

The lecture 29 March is postponed to 31 March, see updated time and place on the website.

Published Mar. 10, 2017 12:58 PM

The wording of the first sentence of the assignment refers to the rule whereby processing of personal data “must, in certain circumstances, be subject to obtaining” the data subject’s consent. This formulation could be interpreted to mean that the assignment does not require discussion of the role played by consent where consent is merely one of several alternative legal bases for processing personal data. However, the assignment is not intended to be interpreted in that way. Thus, you are supposed to take into consideration all provisions in which consent is mentioned, including those where consent is just one of several alternative legal bases for processing personal data. This means that you are supposed to discuss, inter alia, the relationship between consent as one possible legal basis for processing and other legal bases for processing (pursuant to, e.g., Article 7 of the Data Protection Directive and Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Published Feb. 22, 2017 12:41 PM

This video needs to be editied before we can publish. It will be uploaded next week.

Published Feb. 20, 2017 3:39 PM

A "question hour" about exam writing takes place 1 March 12. 15- Aud 4, DA

The purpose with this meeting is to give the basic guidelines to international students who don't have knowledge about the Norwegian examination system.

We have just made a short video about legal exam-writing on this website - so make sure to check it out!

We are very happy to invite you to an open discussion on exam-taking, where we'll discuss the practicalities of - and strategies for - writing 4-hour exams. Use this opportunity to ask questions that you've been wondering about!

The session will be held by Milos Novovic, doctoral fellow at the Institute for Private Law

NB! " Privacy and Dataprotection" is assessed with an open book digital school examination. You are permitted to use any literature (in hard copy) during the examination (e.g., co...

Published Feb. 13, 2017 10:20 AM


Registration for Tulsa (" Tutor-led student activities") colloquium groups will take place in the period 14-27 February for Jus5630/1630, and is done in Studentweb. Participating in Tulsa groups is not compulsory or necessary to be able to answer the exam question(s), but will allow students to work more actively with the course literature. The number of places is limited, so registration is done on a "first come, first served basis "-, starting from 14 February. If you have any problems with Studentweb please go and visit the Info center in Domus Academica.

By signing up, you commit to come well prepared to a...