Regarding GILDAS installation

Dear students,

I have been told some of you have talked with the IT team at the ITA regarding Gildas installation. First of all, this is a software you will not need until October, and you only need it to perform one task of the second assignment (which takes 1-2 hours). We will only use the software "CLASS" within the GILDAS package. I recommend you do the following:

1) Check carefully the GILDAS webpage and the instructions for installation. There are also instructions for Windows which should work: Give it a try first!

2) If you tried and did not succeed and you only have Windows, consider installing a Linux partition on your computer and installing gildas there. 

3) If you tried 1 and 2 and nothing works, contact the group teacher, she may be able to help you install it. You can also seek help to students from last year (current 1st year master students), and ask them how they installed GILDAS on their laptops. 

4) If you tried all of the above and nothing works, we will give you access to the machines at the ITA. At this point the steps are:

4a) You give your UiO username to Isabel -> Isabel passes it to the IT team that creates a user for you to access the ITA machines;

4b) If you have linux, go directly to 4c). If you have windows, you need to be able to run "ssh -X " or "ssh -Y" (they are the same thing, the first one is for untrusted client the second one for trusted one, see here:) from your computer. This requires installation of X-win32 or PuTTY/Xming on windows.

4c) Then from your laptop you ssh into the ITA machine e.g. "beehive12", load the Gildas module and run the "class" software as follows:

>ssh -Y username@beehive12

>module load Intel_parallel_studio/2019/4.070

>module load gildas

At this point you can directly launch class from terminal:


And you are set!


Published Sep. 9, 2021 4:04 PM - Last modified Sep. 10, 2021 3:48 PM