
Published Dec. 2, 2022 9:51 AM

Oral exams will take place on Dec 5 and Dec 8 in Room 304 (Peisestua, third floor of ITA building). A couple of reminders:

- Bring a valid photo-ID (e.g. driving license, passport)

- Show up outside room 304 five minutes before your allocated oral exam slot. If you do not remember when is your slot, contact Ida Emilie Moe from the ITA administration (





Published Nov. 22, 2022 12:15 PM

There has been a slight change of plans due to the guest lecturer's availability. The guest lectures on Cosmological observing techniques have been moved to Friday Nov 25. On Thursday Nov 24 we will instead hold a Mentimeter quiz session, reviewing some of the main topics of the course, which should be useful in view of the oral exam. Participation to both is highly encouraged! 

Published Nov. 17, 2022 1:01 PM

The lecture on November 18 is canceled to give the students a bit more time to work on the final home assignment.

Published Nov. 9, 2022 10:34 AM

The third home assignment focuses on the analysis of ionised gas kinematics in a local galaxy using optical MUSE/VLT observations and will be explained and presented during the lectures on 10-11 November 2022. There will also be a practical demonstration of the use of the QFitsView software. The deadline for submission is November 21st (kl 12:00), and the submission needs to be done via Devilry. The data and resources needed to complete the assignment have been uploaded here. I remind that it is compulsory to submit all three home assignments to pass the exam.

Published Nov. 1, 2022 1:45 PM

Oral exam slots will be soon made available for booking in following dates: December 5th, December 8th, and possibly also December 1st (if needed).

Published Oct. 25, 2022 3:39 PM

Please take 5 minutes to fill in the mid-term digital evaluation form if you have not done it yet:

Published Oct. 19, 2022 11:37 AM

The second home assignment focuses on extragalactic molecular line observations with the APEX telescope and it will be presented during the lecture of Friday, October 21st. There will also be a practical tutorial session using the GILDAS/CLASS software(*), showing the same analysis steps that are required to complete the home assignment (the tutorial will use a different dataset, of course). The deadline for submission is October 31st at noon (kl 12:00), the submission needs to be done via Devilry. The material for the assignment will be uploaded here. It is compulsory to submit all three home assignments to pass the exam.

(*) Regarding the GILDAS/CLASS software installation, if you have not done it yet or are experiencing technical issues, you may find these ...

Published Oct. 5, 2022 9:23 PM

This is a reminder that the lecture on Thursday, October 6 is canceled. 

Published Sep. 27, 2022 5:54 PM

The first home assignment on Solar Physics will be presented during the lectures of Sep 29 and Sep 30 by Dr. Nancy Narang. It will be possible (but not compulsory) to run some simple python scripts during the lecture, therefore students are recommended to bring a laptop if they can. The text of the assignment, data, and any other material needed to complete it will be uploaded here.The deadline for submission of the first assignment is at noon (12:00) on Oct 10, 2022, and only submissions via Devilry will be accepted. I remind everyone that it is compulsory to submit all three home assignments to pass the exam.

Published Aug. 23, 2022 6:03 PM

This is a reminder that attending the first lecture of the course is compulsory. If you have a valid reason for not attending the first lecture on Thursday, I need to be notified via email before the lecture starts.

The course this year will be taught in-person and the lectures will not be recorded.