Exam results

The exam and project have now been graded and will appear in a few days on StudentWeb.

The project results were very good this year with an average score of 90% and a low spread (most of you got 80-100%).

The exam results were not as good as this with an average of 70% and a big spread from 40% up to 90%.

The project counted 50% and the exam 50% for the final grade and it was computed from A = 92-100 %, B = 77-91 %, C = 58-76 %, D = 46-57 % and E = 40-45 % (but if you were within 1-2% of a higher grade we pushed it up).

If you have any questions about your grade just ask for a justification of the grade via Inspera and we will get back to you.

Published June 26, 2024 3:11 PM - Last modified June 26, 2024 3:12 PM