Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.08.2003M Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Auditorium, Department of Physics? Introduction to FYS 3150/4150 and C++ programming. Discussion of numerical precision? References are the textbook, chapters 2 and 3 and lecture notes, see weekly notesPrograms for the weekkly exercises can be found at the same place.?
20.08.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Department of Physics? Continuation of the topics from monday's lecture? ?
21.08.2003T. Engeland and M Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Department of Physics? Computer lab, exercise 1? Introduction to C++ computing. The exercise can be found at exercises?
22.08.2003as of thursday 21.08.2003? ? ? ?
25.08.2003M Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys. Auditorium? Numerical precision, numerical derivation and C++ programming. Introduction to dynamic memory allocation and arrays.? Lecture notes at weekly notes . See also chapters 2, 3 and 8 of the text of Landau and Paez.?
27.08.2003M Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys aud, Department of Physics? Numerical derivation, memory allocation, handling of matrices in C++ and F95? Lecture notes and chapter 8 in textbook.?
28.08.2003M Hjorth-jensen? FV329? Computer lab, exercise 2. Deadline for report september 5 ? Exercise at exercises ?
29.08.2003same as thursday 27.08.2003? ? ? ?
01.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys. Aud, Dept of Physics? Linear algebra, allocation of memory and handling of matrices, LU decomposition? Detailed lecture notes and programs are at lectures and weekly programs ?
03.09.2003M . Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys. Aud, Dept of Physics? Linear algebra, inverse of a matrix, systems of linear equations, classes and templates, Blitz++? Lecture notes and programs as of monday's lecture?
04.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV 329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 2, deadline for report friday 5th 12pm? ?
05.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV 329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 2, deadline for report friday 5th 12pm? ?
08.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys. Aud, Dept of Phys? Numerical integration? Lecture notes chapter 7 and textbook chapter 4. Trapezoidal and Simpson's rule and Gaussian quadrature.?
09.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys. Aud, Dept of Phys? Numerical integration, continued? Continuation of monday's lectures plus a brief introduction to debugging using GDB?
11.09.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 3, deadline for report friday 19th 12 pm? Use of linear algebra functions, inverse, linear equations and determinant of a matrix.?
12.09.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 3, deadline for report friday 19th 12 pm? ?
15.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Physics? Introduction to Monte Carlo methods? Topics to be covered are: -simple Monte Carlo integration -probability distribution functions -random numbers?
17.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept fo Physics? Introduction to Monte Carlo methods? Continuation of monday's lecture. See lecture notes for detailed info. Chapter 5 of the textbook covers also soem of these topics.?
18.09.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 3, deadline for report friday 19th 12pm? ?
19.09.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 3? ?
22.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Physics? Monte Carlo integration, importance sampling? ?
24.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Physics? Random walks, diffusion and the Metropolis algorithm? ?
25.09.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Phys? Exercise 4, deadline for report friday 3rd october? ?
26.09.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept fo Phys? Exercise 4, deadline for report 3rd october? ?
29.09.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys. Aud, Dept of Physics? Random walks and the metropolis algorithm? ?
01.10.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Physics? Topics from statistical physics, phase transitions in spin systems, the Ising model? Lecture notes will be put on the webside at the end of week.?
02.10.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Phys? Exercise 4? ?
03.10.2003T. Engeland? FV329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 4, deadline for report 12pm? ?
06.10.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Physics? Ising model, statistical physics and phase transitions? ?
08.10.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys. Aud, Dept of Physics? ising model and other spin models, phase transitions and statistical physics? ?
09.10.2003T. Engeland? FV329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 5, simulation of Boltzmann distribution? Deadline for report: midnight friday 10/10?
10.10.2003T. Engeland? FV329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 5, simulation of the Boltzmann simulation? Deadline for report: midnight friday 10/10?
13.10.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud? Last part of Ising model, phase transitions and their modeling. Monte Carlo for quantum systems.? ?
15.10.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud? Quantum Monte Carlo, variational Monte Carlo, applications to the hydrogen and helium atoms.? ?
16.10.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 6, deadline for report: midnight friday 24 oct.? ?
17.10.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Physics? Exercise 6, deadline for report: midnight friday 24 october? ?
20.10.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Phys? Quantum Monte Carlo, continued? ?
22.10.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Phys? End of Monte Carlo lectures, summary? ?
23.10.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Phys? Exercise 6, deadline for report midnight friday 24 october? ?
24.10.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Phys? Exercise 6? ?
27.10.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Phys? Discussion and presentation of the exam project, deadline for report : midnight monday 1 december? ?
29.10.2003T. Engeland? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Phys? Eigenvalue problems? ?
30.10.2003T. Engeland? FV329, Dept of Phys? Work on exam project? ?
31.10.2003T. Engeland? FV329, Dept of Physics? Work on exam project? ?
03.11.2003T. Engeland? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Physics? Eigenvalue problems? ?
05.11.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Phys? Ordinary differential equations, Runge-kutta methods and applications to harmonic oscillations? ?
06.11.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Phys? Exam project? ?
07.11.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329, Dept of Phys? Exam project? ?
10.11.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud? Ordinary differential equations? ?
12.11.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud? Ordinary differential equations? ?
13.11.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329? Exam project? ?
14.11.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329? Exam Project? ?
17.11.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Physics? Ordinary differential equations, chaotic motion, boundary condition problems? ?
19.11.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud, Dept of Physics? Partial differential equations, diffusion equation and Laplace's equation? ?
20.11.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329? Exam project? ?
21.11.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329? Exam project? ?
24.11.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud? Partial differential equations, diffusion, Laplace and Poisson and Wave equation? ?
26.11.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? Lille Fys Aud? Last lecture, repetition, discussion of exam project? ?
27.11.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329? Exam project? ?
28.11.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? FV329? Exam project? ?
01.12.2003M. Hjorth-Jensen? ? Deadline for exam project, midnight december 1? ?
16.12.2003T. Enegland and M. Hjorth-Jensen? ? Oral examination? ?
17.12.2003T. Engeland and M. Hjorth-jensen? ? Oral examination? ?
Published June 16, 2003 8:11 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2004 12:02 PM