
Publisert 7. des. 2022 16:33

Hi all,

The lecture recording from November 25 have finally been recovered and are now available from the schedule page. In that lecture I discussed a number of more advanced C++ topics, like pointers, functors, operator overloading and templates.

The last few minutes are still missing, but that was just a quick demo of this example, which shows how you can do something called dynamic loading (load functions from shared libraries as runtime plug-ins) in C/C++.


Publisert 6. des. 2022 23:56

Hi all,

While teaching is officially done, we will offer a bonus group session on Friday, 10.15 -- 15.00, in the usual room ?434, if anyone needs some more help with Project 5.

Due to other exams etc. we won't be able run any group sessions on Thursday.

If you have some questions but cannot attend the Friday session, remember that you can still use our GitHub forum. (Though we can't promise quick replies.)


Publisert 4. des. 2022 18:57

Hi all,

We have decided to extend the deadline for Project 5 by one day. So the new deadline is Wednesday December 14, at 23:59.

Good luck with the work and with other exams,


Publisert 1. des. 2022 15:03

Hi all,

Both set of slides from today's lecture are now available from the course repo:


Publisert 30. nov. 2022 01:32

Hi all,

On Thursday we have our last lecture for this fall. For that lecture, we are very lucky to have J?rgen Eriksson Midtb? visit us from FHI, to give a guest lecture on how computational physics is useful in his work on modelling pandemics.

J?rgen has a Master's degree in theoretical physics and a PhD in nuclear physics from UiO, and has worked at FHI for the last few (rather eventful) years. And he's is a very good lecturer. So I suggest you bring some coffee, forget about your project 5 worries for a couple of hours, and enjoy what will surely be a very interesting lecture. :)

Note that this lecture will not be recorded.

I will also give a brief introduction to my own research (particle physics) and highlight how aspects of computational physics pops up everywhere. And we'll briefly summarize the various topics we've covered in this course.

See you on Thursday,

Publisert 17. nov. 2022 06:15

Hi all,

I unfortunately have to cancel the lecture today, due to illness. Apologies. Hopefully I'll be back for the lecture tomorrow.

All the best,

Publisert 15. nov. 2022 17:42

Hi all,

Here's some info on how our report scoring system is connected to the grade scale. We use the same system as described here. The short summary is that our guideline for converting between scores and grades is:

  • 92 - 100 points: A
  • 77 - 91 points: B
  • 58 - 76 points: C
  • 46 - 57 points: D
  • 40 - 45 points: E
  • 0 - 39 points: F

It's important to keep in mind that the score thresholds are just to be interpreted as guidelines for our grading. At the end of the course we make a final, overall assessment of all the projects to decide exactly where to draw the boundaries between the different grades.


Publisert 2. nov. 2022 20:01

Hi all,

Just a reminder that the lecture tomorrow (Thursday November 3) is on Zoom, as StoreFy is booked for another event.
You can find the Zoom link on the schedule page.

See you tomorrow,

Publisert 1. nov. 2022 11:54

Hi all,

The problem with the missing video from last Thursday's lecture is now solved, so you can find the video via the Schedule page.

Of course, the best way to avoid being affected by any such technical delays is simple: just come to the lecture :)


Publisert 29. okt. 2022 16:33

Hi all,

There's currently some problem with the system for uploading lecture recordings, so there's a video missing for the lecture on Thursday this week. Hopefully we'll be able to sort the problem soon.


Publisert 26. okt. 2022 00:01

Hi all,

(I assume you all got this message via Canvas yesterday.)

Over the last two days I have received quite a few emails asking for individual deadline extensions for Project 3. So far I have declined these requests, since we have an explicit policy of hard deadlines in this course. (We need this policy in order to keep the schedule, try to be as fair as possible with a large group of students, and to avoid taking up a disproportionate amount of the time compared to other courses.)

However, given the relatively large number of such requests, and the fact that this is the first major project of the course, I have decided to make an exception and extend the deadline for everyone by one day. So the new deadline will be

  Wednesday evening, at 23:59

I hope this helps a bit for those who have been struggling with various technical issues, etc.

Publisert 19. okt. 2022 22:23

Hi all,

To help you in writing your report for Project 3, you can now see an example of a very good student report from a few years back here. This is a report for Project 1 back in 2018, when the students had to write were full reports for all five projects in the course. The link can also be found via the page where we provide our TeX template for reports.

Also, make sure to take a look at our checklist for reports, which can help you avoid some of the most common mistakes.

Good luck with finishing Project 3!

Publisert 11. okt. 2022 16:05

Hi all,
I have updated the Project 3 description with some new details. This is to make it easier for us to help you debug problems in your code, and to avoid you spending too much time trying out different simulation settings. Below is a summary of the changes -- make sure to read the relevant parts of the project page carefully.

  • In the Numbers and units section I have specified that you should use d = 0.05 cm = 500 micrometres and V0 = 25 mV throughout the project. (That means that you don't have to change these Penning trap variables between Problem 8 and Problem 9).
  • In Problem 8 I now ask you to simulate only 50 microseconds, rather than 100 microseconds. (This should make some of the plots easier to read.)
  • In Problem 8 I have specified the exact initial positions and velocities you should use for the two particles, and exactly which plots to make.
  • For the tasks in Problem 8 that concerns...
Publisert 10. okt. 2022 23:29

Hi all,

Just a reminder that there are no lectures and no lab sessions this week. If you need help with something, please post your question on our GitHub forum and we'll answer as soon as we can.


Publisert 10. okt. 2022 23:26

Hi all,
This event hosted by the dScience centre might be of interest to many of you. Here's the info from the organisers:

dScience would like to welcome students and people in the data science community to the 5th annual Data Science Day! This is an evening of socialisation, learning and entertainment.

Time and place: October 19, 5 pm - 10 pm, The Science Library and Sophus Lie’s auditorium.

We will start the event with a short session of mingling and food. Then we will be hearing exciting talks from our invited speakers. This year we have invited three young data scientists and researchers from Spotify, the Alan Turing Institute, and the University of Oslo. After the talks, we regather in the Science Library foyer for mingling and refreshments.

We have also invited a wide range of relevant companies to set up stands where they can ...

Publisert 4. okt. 2022 17:06

Hi all,

We hope you can take a minute to answer a quick, anonymous questionnaire about what you think of the course so far:

The questionnaire is very short -- it should literally only take a minute or two -- but it's still very useful feedback for us teachers.


Publisert 26. sep. 2022 12:28

Hi all,

A few messages:

  • The slides from Kathinka's presentation on Friday are now available on the course Git repo, along with the other lecture notes.
  • I was a bit sloppy with the notation in Eq. 4 and Eq. 5 in Project 2, so I've added a clarifying note in the project description. (This is only really relevant for Problem 1.)
  • As mentioned some time ago, the lecture this Thursday (September 29) will be on Zoom. The link will be posted on the Schedule page.

Good luck finishing Project 2!


Publisert 22. sep. 2022 14:43

Hi all,
I hope the work on Project 2 is progressing well!

This is just a heads up that the lecture tomorrow is an especially important one, so I encourage everyone to attend and pay close attention. Tomorrow we will discuss how to write scientific reports. This is the report format that we require for Projects 3, 4 and 5, which are the projects that your final grades are based on.

See you tomorrow!

Publisert 16. sep. 2022 13:56

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder that you should make sure to read the entire project description before you start coding. For instance in Project 2 there are plenty of hints and (hopefully) helpful suggestions in the "Code snippets" section at the bottom of the project page.

Good luck with Project 2! :)

Publisert 13. sep. 2022 14:34

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder to include a link to your GitHub repository in your Project 1 reports, and to set your repository visibility to "public" (unless it already is), so that we teachers can easily access it when we evaluate your reports.

To change the repo visibility on GitHub, go to Settings and scroll down to "change repository visibility".

Good luck with wrapping up Project 1. :)

Publisert 5. sep. 2022 12:19

Hi all,

For every course there is a course evaluation at the end of the semester. In this course we'll do it after the final project. The evaluation consists of a short meeting (~1 hour) between us teachers and a few student representatives. In the meeting we discuss the course -- what works well, what should be changed, etc. -- and fill in an evaluation form together.

So we need 2--4 students who can act as student representatives in that meeting. If you are willing to do so, please send me (Anders) an email within the next couple of weeks.

In a few weeks we'll also have a midterm evaluation, in the form of a short, anonymous questionnaire that we kindly ask all of you to complete.


Publisert 30. aug. 2022 22:13

Hi all,

As promised in the lectures last week, I've now updated the page about C++ containers.

Publisert 29. aug. 2022 15:18

Hi all,

We've now created 100 Canvas groups for Project 1. On Canvas, just go to Persons --> Project 1 groups.

The idea is that you assign yourself to one of these groups, together with those you collaborate with for Project 1. It doesn't matter which number your group has -- just pick one of the Canvas groups that are available.

Note that even those of you who work alone must assign yourself to one of the Canvas groups. (It makes it easier for us when all Project 1 reports are associated with one of the numbered groups.)

Publisert 29. aug. 2022 15:12

Hi all,

We have posted a few links to online Git tutorials here. In particular, the Learnit Git Branching tutorial is a very nice and visual way to learn the basics of Git, and how to use it from the command line.

Publisert 27. aug. 2022 10:13

Hi all,

Some updates on our GitHub page:

  • In Project 1 I have rephrased problem 7 a bit, and I've removed problem 11 (to free up some time in the lectures for other discussions).
  • For those using Windows + WSL, there is now some additional info on our Windows users page, about:
    • How you can access your Linux/WSL files from your Windows applications, e.g. if you want to use your favourite Windows text editor.
    • How you can switch on the standard Linux keyboard shortcuts ctrl+shift+c/v for copy/paste in your Linux terminal.
  • I've extended the page about va...