Installing Qt Creator

This is a short guide that explains how to install Qt Creator.

In this year's course we encourage you to use the Qt Creator IDE as your development platform. Qt Creator has many nice features that will help you while developing, such as syntax highlighting, code completion, version control and visual debugging. We have added a list of guides below on how to install and use Qt Creator on your computer. We strongly recommend using Ubuntu on your own computer, but you are of course free to choose the OS you want.

After installing, we recommend you check out the following pages:

Install guides:

After installing, we recommend you to check out the following pages:

Computer lab

To install Qt Creator at the computer lab, you will have to download version Qt Creator 2.5.2. (Do NOT download the whole Qt SDK or Qt Creator 3.0):

Download Qt Creator

At the download page, select Qt Creator for Linux/X11 64-bit. Once the file is downloaded, go to the download folder in a terminal and type

chmod +x qt-creator-linux-x86_64-opensource-2.5.2.bin

After installation, you will be prompted to launch Qt Creator.


To install Qt Creator on Ubuntu, type the following in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install qtcreator qt4-qmake build-essential gdb

This will install Qt Creator 2.4. The latest version may alternatively be installed from here. We recommend using the latest version, but you will in any case need to install the qt4-qmake, build-essential and gdb packages from terminal.

Mac OS X

Download and install the Qt 5.0.0 bundle on the top of the page from here:

Download Qt 5.0.0 for Mac


Download and install the Qt 4.8.4 library (minGW) and Qt Creator 2.6.1 from here:

Download Qt libraries 4.8.4 (minGW) and Qt Creator 2.6.1 for Windows

Note that you may instead install Qt 5.0.0 for Windows, but this requires you to have Visual Studio 2010 for C++ installed already. (The Express version might not work.)

By Svenn-Arne Dragly
Published Jan. 16, 2014 1:23 PM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2014 12:40 PM