Plans for the week February 5-9

Dear all, welcome back to FYS4411. An important note first, our lecture 1015am-12pm on Friday the 9th is via zoom only since Morten is away in the US till February 14. Friday the 16th we have a regular in-person lecture. The lab on February 9 (tomorrow) is in person as usual.

The zoom link is

Meeting ID: 642 499 7467
Passcode: FYS4411


The plans for this week are 


  • Short repetition from last week

  • Mathematical and computational details of importance sampling and Fokker-Planck and Langevin equations

  • For the lab session we will continue our discussions on how to build a VMC code for project 1

The jupyter-notebook is attached and we will cover some of the mathematical details on how to compute the trial wave functions with importance sampling as well as the more mathematical (technicalities) of importance sampling such as the Fokker-Planck equation and how we  derive the actual expression for the quantum force.

You can also find the jupyter-notebook at to an external site.

Best wishes to you all,

Daniel, H?kon and Morten

Published Feb. 8, 2024 6:17 PM - Last modified Feb. 8, 2024 6:17 PM