Plans for the week of March 18-22

Dear all, this week the plans are

  • Discussion of project 1 and possible alternatives for project 2
  • Wrap up of parallelization discussions, see also slides from last week. We will go through both MPI and OpenMP for project 1 for those of you who program in C++.
  • Note change of deadline for project 1 to April 1.

The lecture material  for this week is at in various formats.

See also the slides from last week at

The following books can also be useful, see Using OpenMP by Chapman et al at and Using MPI by Gropp et al. at

And we will obviously discuss project 1 during the lectures and the lab session.

Best wishes to you all,

Daniel, H?kon and Morten 


Published Mar. 19, 2024 9:49 PM - Last modified Mar. 19, 2024 9:49 PM