message oct2 Re own computer and Fronter access


Bring your own computer for the intensive course. If you don't have your own computer, please message Terje Finstad at fys uio no

Oct 2.2013

Regarding acess to the UiO web pages, Fronter system 

Course material will be laid out in rooms in the Fronter system, a web archive system for courses. 

We certainly hope this will work smoothly, perhaps we need to keep our fingers X'd for that to happen.

The Room is not yet open. A message will go out when that happens.

I suggest external students that have not filled in an application form for visiting PhD student do so NOW
Fill in the form and send it to the adress specified on that page. When your application is approved you should 
get access to the Fronter system.

However, this is what the USIT help desk at the university writes about acess to the Fronter system. 

It is simple for student that have an UiO/FEIDE account.
If the student has a FEIDE account from another institution that should also work.
Alternatively one can create a temporary user. (This link tell abot that, )
You can apply to have a guest status at the University of Oslo . (This link tell abot that,
Published Oct. 2, 2013 11:28 PM - Last modified Oct. 2, 2013 11:46 PM